Don’t you think it would be good to credit the original author?
Also, can you elaborate on your optimizations to the code? The only difference I’ve noticed is that you’ve changed the code to take an argument instead, and localized 2 global variables
Well, that aside, are you going to address the issue I arose about the original author?
The code you’ve modified contains a copyright, which states you can redistribute edits of the code as long as you put the copyright notice in your code.
Not only haven’t you done that, you decided to fully credit yourself as the author of that code
Seeing as you deliberately violated said copyright, I believe at this point this falls under plagiarism.
Part of the category guidelines is outlining how your resource can be used. The Community Resources category is for FOSS works that can be used by both novice and advanced developers alike. Examples help understand how the resource is meant to be used. For those who already know what use cases they would have for a resource, great.
Your resource must be:
Related to Roblox development.
Well explained; do not dump content here, you must explain how your resource is meant to be used.
Significant overall; your contributions must be more substantial than small scripts or a few individual assets. Resources that are not significant enough, too specific / not useful to many people, or too low quality should be posted in a different forum category, or you should request help from Community_Editor to learn what can be improved.
For point 3, that would be Cool Creations. Thanks for posting though, reminded me to check the category guidelines for appropriateness. I’ll be recategorising this over to Cool Creations - that way, no an example wouldn’t be required and only people who know what it is or need it can use it. It does not, otherwise, fit as a Community Resource.
Not an opinion, those are right from the category guidelines and I’ve recategorised according to said guidelines. I’d prefer you not countermand my edit unless you can make edits that make this thread a fit for the category. If I’m sending a message to DET, it’d be to flag, not to ask for permission to move it.
I don’t think you need DET to see the lack of example uses, the lack of open source and the plain repackaging of someone else’s code without even respecting the licence required to use that code.
7 likes doesn’t make this “useful to many people”. It’s not about how many likes your post has, it’s about its utility for other developers and supporting a wide variety of use cases. Additionally, there’s still a lack of explanation of how your resource can be used. “Data encryption” alone does not constitute an explanation of your resource’s applicability to development.
Feel free to contact me further in a PM if you have an issue with how I’ve recategorised your post, or send a message to Developer Engagement if you believe you cannot discuss this with me in private. Bottom line is that I’m asking you to follow category guidelines and help developers out by supplying sample use cases and code to help them understand your resource.
Last I reply on this discussion. I don’t want the replies to be focused on my action, rather on the resource itself. Please contact me privately if you’d like to reach me further.