Rojo for Sublime Text and Roblox Studio

There are some facilities to integrate VS Code with Rojo to replace Roblox Studio’s native script editor:

But I didn’t find anything similar for the Sublime Text.

There’s actually an old tutorial (Setting up Roblox Development with Rojo, Git, Sublime Text 3, and Luacheck) that shows something similar.
But it is tortuous; I tried a few times to configure, without success.

Is there a simple way to use Rojo with ST integrating with Roblox Studio?

Well yeah you could just download the rojo.exe and then of course have the plugin on Roblox Studio and then run the server, then open your project folder in Sublime Text and any changes you make will be seen on Studio, but one thing about using Sublime Text is that it just doesnt have as good supported intellisense as something like VSCode which is why I just didn’t go through with doing it with Sublime Text