RoLibrary is Looking for Volunteers


This recruitment post is the last recruitment post for RoLibrary, but it will always be open as we are always looking for new developers.

RoLibrary is an open-sourced asset library for developers of any skill level. The main goal is to create a “library” or a bunch of free assets for people to use. We are still in development, but we are close to finishing. We will consistently add new assets every couple of weeks.

We are looking for more developers to work on the project in their free-time. You will not be required to work for an amount of time each day, but there will be certain days where I will try to get everyone to work on something for a little bit.

The Current Team

@lynnlo - Programmer

@profak - Programmer

@Red1Monster - 3D Modeler

@Rezzorex - Programmer

@mochiqz - Builder

@Acb1 - Builder

@Pocket_Goddess - Builder and Programmer

@Vyoqe - Builder and 3D Modeler

@Wurith12 - Programmer, UI, 3D Modeler

@Bloxrrey - Programmer, 3D Artist, UI

About the Job

As stated before, we will be looking for all sorts of developers so don’t be nervous if you feel you don’t have a good enough skill level, you can always help! So you might ask what will be needed at what is required of me? Our goal is to complete the plugin and 10 assets per category by 8/15. Nothing will be required of you, but I really would like you to be active with everyone else and maybe even work on some projects with other RoLibrary developers.

Once you have replied, we can discuss more on discord. Inside our discord server, we have a list of ideas for things you can create. You are not required to make those and you can always make something else.

If you are a programmer and know how to create plugins, you can work on our main plugin which will insert an item from the library into the game.

If you are a developer, but you don’t want to make assets, you can contribute by making tutorials! You can either create videos for our YouTube channel or create written tutorials.

Our Progress

Currently, we have a total of 16 script related items, 3 3D Model packs, 1 UI design, 4 GFX Renders, and half of the main plugin complete.


As stated in the title, we are looking for Volunteers who can do this in their free time. You will not be pressured to work but I will check-in and ask questions.

If you are not comfortable giving your work out for free, you can also make your asset an asset that must be paid for. We will have a separate library for assets that must be bought, the Robux/money that was earned from a week then will be divided among all the volunteers. Everyone will have a percentage depending on how much they have contributed that week.


You can contact me here on the DevForum, if you have any comments, questions, or suggestions, please reply below. I will be happy to answer them.

You can also contact me via email

Thank you for reading, and I hope you consider joining us. -Bloxrrey

I’m a little bit confused about this. Does this mean your group is a place for developers to go and buy stuff from?

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Same, I’m not quite understanding what the project is about.

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@mochiqz @bigbang4uuuu
The main goal is to create a “library” or a bunch of free assets for people to use.

Additionally we will have a second “premium” library for people who have payed to use (something with more complex scripts)

If you have anymore questions I will be happy to answer them.

Sounds very fascinating! I am interested in joining. :slight_smile: My Discord is: mochiqz#9898

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I can only build, I cannot model. However, if you are looking for builders I’d be happy to contribute! My discord is Kara#0003

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We are looking for all sorts of developers! I will reach out to you on discord! Thank you for your interest!

Hi, I would love to contribute anyway I can. I am a beginner - intermediate Lua scripter, but I am also a Discord bot developer. I code my Discord bots in JavaScript. If you think I would be any use you can contact me on Discord. Tag: Developer Spoot#6062

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Sorry for the late reply! I will reach out to you, thank you for your interest!

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Hello, I’m interested and I’d love to help if I can!
I am definitely more of a beginner as far as coding & building, but I’d love to be a part of this project.

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Do you have a discord so that I can reach out to you?

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yes I do :slight_smile:

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I will be asleep so I will not be actively replying. I encourage you to email or reply still.

Hey! I just wanted to say, great initative, good luck!

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Hi! I have a few years of experience with building and I recently started doing some 3D modeling. I’d love to be apart of this project. My Discord is dinoo#0001 :slight_smile:


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