Rome - A Few Things [New Post]

Be warned, this is a long post! Feel free to not read the entire thing, but simply glaze over I won’t mind :slight_smile:

Hello! so my username on ROBLOX is MarkAntonius (A shorter version of a famous Roman General/Politician named Marcus Antonius) named so because I made it starting up a group called “The Senate and People of Rome” or “SPQR” for short (As many people know it) which was the name of the government of the Roman Republic/Empire back in antiquity.

Basically this post is to explain what we (The people working on Rome) are trying to achieve (And in some cases already have achieved)

One of the main things in this project is of course, Rome itself. Below are a list of things that are currently made at my place “Rome” which are either operational or will be operational in the near future. All of this has been made prior to CSG and other features like ROBLOX Plugin support and even featherweight parts. (It’s a long project, and there have been others in-between this, such as “Parthia” which is a garrison)




[size=5]Information -[/size] The Flavian Amphitheatre, or more commonly known as the Colosseum, is something that will be a prime source of activity (entertainment) at Rome. This structure will be maintained by designated people (Named Aediles) who will schedule and fund events (Yes, with in-game currency) such as Gladiator fights, ship battles and other games.

The Aediles who do this have communication with the upper-levels of the Government so that they can make sure what they are planning can actually be pulled off. We have many laws that need to be followed and it’s important that anything planned is within those guidelines. The funding that the Aediles will supply commonly comes from businesses or other enterprises that the Aediles are affiliated with, and without this funding, the games would not be able to happen. The reason for this is that most of the in-game items need to be bought, farmed or collected from other players or the environment. Another good thing about the Colosseum is that it will also generate a revenue through ticket and other sales, much like modern day events.





[size=5]Information -[/size] The temple of claudius is adjacent to the Colosseum, and just as large (The walls) it features an elevated garden and a small temple, in which prayer can be done (Prayer increases certain game aspects such as endurance, influence, cultivation and other things) this area is planned to be owned by the a collegia, but until then it is owned by the state. Trees inside can be chopped and harvested, the land that is then freed up, can be used for other things such as more agriculture or even a place for the military to set-up in the case there is a conflict within the city. This can be done with the use of Deployable Items which range from civilian, military and miscellaneous functions.




[size=5]Information -[/size] The Temple of Venus and Roma is in-front of the Colosseum and lines up with one of it’s entrances. This temple is dedicated to the goddess Venus who is considered to be a bringer of good fortune (prosperity) and “Roma”, a female personification of the city of Rome. This temple is expected to be used commonly, as it’s one of the largest and most accessible temples among the most densely (In terms of buildings) populated area of the city. Prayer here will improve general quality of life within the city such as lower tax (Perhaps) and things of that sort.





[size=5]Information -[/size] The Basilica of Maxentius and Constantine is a general social and religious structure, that is fairly large in comparison to other such buildings. Here, there are facilities for prayer, bathing and other things that improve and/or effect in-game experiences. It is located on the “Via Sacra” which means “Sacred Way” which is the Roman naming convention of roads. This is located just behind the temple of Venus and Roma, and signifies one of the outer buildings of the Roman Forum which is the main area for commerce, politics and socialization in the city of Rome.



[size=5]TRIUM VESTAE[/size]

[size=5]Information -[/size] This building is opposite the Basilica of Maxentius and it’s function is to serve as the primary offices of the religious collegia “Vestals” of which, we have members who will operate day-to-day activities regarding this religous group.

I should probably mention (Unless you’re aware) there’s many different gods in the Roman Religion, and each of them are available to worship. Each god or goddess typically have different religious groups (or collegia) who maintain their temples, and worship them daily. This includes maintenance of the temples, gathering and use of offerings (such as money, or food) and general promotion of their god/goddess.




[size=5]Information -[/size] The Temple of Romulus and Remus is in line with the Basilica of Maxentius on Via Sacra and is dedicated to the founders of Rome, Romulus and Remus. The story of this is that they are brothers who are abandoned, expected to die, by their mother, in the Tiber river (The main river going through Rome, which I will post later) who are then saved, and cared for by a she-wolf, a woodpecker and finally a shepherd and his wife who raise them to maturity. These two men then decide to make a new city. After a disagreement on where this should be, Remus is killed by Romulus, and he creates the city of Rome, named after himself.




[size=5]TEMPLE OF VESTA[/size]

[size=5]Information -[/size] The Temple of Vesta is a circular temple (All temples to Vesta were round) located in the heart of the Roman Forum, and is the primary place of worship for the Vestals. This, like the Trium Vestae, is maintained by the religious collegia pertaining to Vesta. Prayer here will effect things pertaining to family and home (Family meaning a sort of “Faction” where members/players can establish dominance in different areas such as military or politics)



[size=5]CURIA JULIA[/size]

[size=5]Information -[/size] Curia Julia is the name of the structure dedicated to the Senate, where they meet and discuss/create legislation or other things within the power of the Senate. Much like the US Senate house. As you can see it’s not exactly as extravagant as some of the other buildings in the forum, if you’re looking at columns, and largeness, however it was this way in Ancient Rome.

This building is going to be commonly used by the Senate of Rome. Currently the Senate meets at another place, unrelated to the city of Rome. When this opens the senate will meet here instead on the same schedule (Saturdays) where a compliment of 20 or so guards will protect the area.




[size=5]Information -[/size] The Temple of Antoninus and Faustina is located near the Temple of Vesta and was built by the Emperor Antonius Pius. This temple however, is designated as one of the temples we will dedicate to members of the group, ones who show dedication enough to be honored with their own temple in the Forum.



[size=5]TEMPLE OF CAESAR[/size]

[size=5]Information -[/size] The Temple of Caesar is dedicated to the current Dicataor, YourCaesar (Caesar). Historically, this was made by Augustus, the first Roman Emperor, in dedicated to his lawful adoptive father (Julius Caesar) and stands on the location that Caesar was cremated in front of the Senate and people of Rome, after he was assassinated in the Senate House by his fellow Senators. Also historically, this served as a rostra (A place where people would speak to the crowds) and is used as such in this place, as well as a place to give offerings to Caesar.




[size=5]Information -[/size] The Temple of Castor and Pollux historically was built in dedication and thanks to a great victory in the Battle of Lake Regillus, and in Rome will be used again, as a temple dedicated to important members, or important events that happen. This is a fairly large temple and stands next to the Temple of Vesta, and to the side of the Temple of Caesar.



[size=5]CASTRA PRAETORIA[/size]

[size=5]Information -[/size] The Castra Praetoria, is a very large complex, home to the Praetorian Guard. The Praetorian Guard are an elite force of soldiers hand-picked to serve as assets to the head of state (Currently Caesar). They are stationed here at the Castrum (Which basically means fort) which features a wide variety of buildings and areas. The Castra Praetoria has a small temple, in the middle, where soldiers can go to prayer (Using in-game GUIs) which will increase and/or effect in-game experiences such as fighting, stamina and other things.

There is also barracks here for each soldier, where they can sleep and regain stamina. This bed will also act as a spawnpoint for them if they are to die (Other people can also use beds) rather than spawning in the wilderness.

Along the middle of the Castrum is a large track, that can be used to train soldiers in use of horses/carts and/or used as a place for physical exercise (Made functional by a stamina system)

Other buildings are included in the castrum such as small baths, open fields, an obelisk (dedicated to the guard), a blacksmith (Where you can craft items, specifically for the guard) and stables to keep horses that are captured.

The Castrum is protected by huge walls, of which there are only 4 points of access which is a gate heavily protected (by siege equipment such as scorpios) and gives direct access to the Aurelian Wall, thus giving access to the rest of Rome.



[size=5]BATHS OF DIOCELTIAN[/size]

[size=5]Information -[/size] The Baths of Diocletian us a huge complex of baths and other areas surrounded by a large wall. This place also features a small track and an area for performances (including shelter).

There are indoor baths as well as out-door baths, which can be used to regain stamina or socialise. There are also small spots for prayer, as you know by know, effect in-game statistics or features. This complex is near the Castra Praetoria, so is on the outer-edges of the city, meaning a long walk from the forum (about 5 minutes in-game). This complex is maintained by Aediles who supervise and maintain similar complexes that are public.



[size=5]TEMPLE OF APOLLO[/size]

[size=5]Information -[/size] The Temple of Apollo is dedicated to the god Apollo who is the god of light, music, poetry, medicine and prophecy. This is located on the Palatine Hill, a place which is difficult to access (as it’s highly elevated from the ground, and surrounded by walls) however there is an access point so that people can use this temple. It is also on the same level as the Imperial Pallace (shown below) which is the residence of either myself or Caesar during times we are within the city.





[size=5]Information -[/size] The Tiber, is the name of the river that flows through Rome, and is a vital resource for the city. It is located at the western side and is a route for ships, a place for water/washing and fish catching. It is also directly adjacent to the Roman Forum. This Tiber can also be easily seen from both the Imperial Palace and the Capitoline Hill



[center][size=5]OTHER TEMPLES, ARCHES AND BRIDGES[/size][/center]






[size=5]Information -[/size] In the Forum there are columns dedicated to members, or important events in Romes history (Currently unfilled, we will be making use of them after the launch of Rome)




[size=5]Information -[/size] Water is extremely important for survival, and there aren’t many pre-built sources for it in the city, so aqueducts are a vital resource to be considered. These high platforms carry water that is harvestable from the endpoints (And also destructable, so if you want to kill everyone through thirst then blow these up)



[center][size=5]THERES MOERE??[/size][/center]



There are lots of items in Rome, last I counted over 150, all of them have a purpose, may that be for clothing, protection or being offensive, they are managed through an inventory system that each player can access by pressing “G”

There are also deployable items, which I mentioned earlier. These items are ones that can be placed by players on locations that are whitelisted by each item (For example, you can’t place a huge fort on a tree)

This fires boulders that explode on impact with any surface. It’s radius-based damage so watch out.

These things shoot large metal arrows, at high-speeds, and do incredible damage to both people and structures (You can destroy buildings!)

Shields can be used by anyone, just equip it to your secondary slot and it will protect you from any sword contact, as well as projectiles. (As long as it hits the shield! you’re not invunerable)

Just a small selection of hats here, some are protective (so increase your health) and some are simply decorative. I’ve retextured quite a lot of them because ROBLOX’s textures were not very realistic and also to create variety among them.

In Rome each rank has a very important purpose, there are so many roles and responsibilities that I don’t even know some of them.

The main group ranks are explained here:

Ranks will become very important while at Rome, as players will be expected to do their jobs. Legionaries (Soldiers) are to protect the city, in proper uniform and with the proper resources. These all need to be FINANCED too, so the commanders of the legion need to make sure that they have enough monetary resources as well as physical resources such as ores and wood.

Politicians are mainly expected to be in the Forum, where most of the governmental work happens. I’ve linked up a website called Trello to Rome, so that this work can be done effectively.

Civilians have lots to do, there’s so much to get involved in within the city, from fishing, farming, building to entertainment in the arena, traveling, fighting and engaging in commerce/business which is all scripted.



[center][size=5]If you got this far, wow.[/size][/center]

Just a shot of the forum looking from the Colosseum.

Thanks for reading if you did read, or if you just looked at the pictures, thanks also!

This place isn’t open yet, and I’m working on it. A lot of the scripts mentioned in this are already done which is a bonus. I expect this to be playable soon, and I just wanted to post it here so myself, if anyone, has an idea of what there is to offer.

I probably won’t be changing any of the buildings, but if you want to offer any suggestions or ideas feel free to do so :smiley:

Here’s a link to the album containing the images used in this post.


TL;DR, nice pictures. :swag:

Exactly what I expected haha B)


Laziness would have hit me before I got half way through, amazing job

Officially the longest post on RBXDev.

Please guys, don’t quote it in response. Lol.

By the way, those buildings are fab pieces of architecture, some of the best I’ve seen.

I’ve no words for this. I hope you will earn more than Loleris with this :wink:

And… I’m making the Hanging Gardens of Babylon for my FirstPersonShooter (50 player server probably, the maps get’s bigger if there are more players in the server and smaller if a bunch of people leaves so you don’t need to search for 5 minutes to find someone), I hope you didn’t started with that building yet ;). But do you have any (pro)tips for such amazingly big, detailed projects? Try to use CSG to save some time? Drawing it on paper? How to avoid lagg? Etc etc

You don’t need to answer but if you do I would find it nice :)[/s] Nothing good to find to base me on, did it even existed e.e

Oh and Ripull

[quote] I’ve no words for this. I hope you will earn more than Loleris with this :wink:

Oh and Ripull


Tricked ;D


Oh you.

I love this.

Rome’s looking amazing JC!

I did actually read the whole thing. Amazing work.

You’re also doing a really great job at staying true to what Rome was actually like, so bonus points for that. Can’t wait to go see it for myself.

I’m speechless.

[quote] Officially the longest post on RBXDev.

Please guys, don’t quote it in response. Lol.

By the way, those buildings are fab pieces of architecture, some of the best I’ve seen. [/quote]

quotes the OP

But really, those are some really nice pictures. And to think that it looks like they only have a black-transparent gradient on them to make the shading… that’s amazing.

Thanks for all the compliments, I wasn’t sure how much people would be interested with ancient stuff :stuck_out_tongue:

Ancient or not, this is some of the best building we’ve seen.

Can you tell more about the gameplay itself?

Or are you still working on that part?

Holy crap…

I wasn’t sure if it was roblox or not but then after I read I knew it was :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote] Can you tell more about the gameplay itself?

Or are you still working on that part? [/quote]

If by that you mean “What do I do when I join the game?” well yes, that parts scripted.

Once you join the game, you’re given a basic set of items (And a small part of customization, such as hair, name, gender and other things) you then spawn at certain points around the map. For reasons, you don’t spawn in the city, you have to make your way to it through different areas filled with resources and different objects.

If you want to say, become a legionary (soldier), then you’d go and gather all of the resources to craft your items (a set of armour, weapons, etc) and then return to a location where you can actually craft that stuff.
Progression is basically the player accumulating wealth, which can be coins, resources, land, structures and factions - depending on what you perceive as progression.

I can’t think of anything else that needs scripting besides a place-teleport for custom player housing, and the script for growing plants (So they get larger over time) both of which should be fairly easy since there’s a lot more complicated stuff that’s already done. The hard part is implementing it so that it’s balanced, which is what I’m currently doing (as well as doing additions to the map)

Spoilers plz.

Nice pictures.


Your building skills and way of introducing everything are amazing!