R(o)/Place Roblox 2022?

Note: That’s inspired from Reddit’s R/Place event.
Hello, I like R/Place so I thought why wouldn’t I make a Roblox version?
Yes, and I decided to do it you can play it here.

Yes, the game isn’t advanced but still funny in my opinion. :smile:

Cross server. (which means the colours will appear in every single server)
Automatic saving. (the place is saved every 10 seconds)

NOTE: The game will be uncopylocked if it’s liked by people.

  • Good.
  • May get decent. (Please suggest your thoughs!)
  • Bad, not playable.

0 voters

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Where should I start…

From what I remember, there’s games like this that already exist such as Color Place. For that reason, I’m out. (Kidding)

The problem with this game, as you mentioned, is that it’s not very advanced. The map is really plain. You should definitely decorate it a little bit or change the layout of the game.

One thing I do like is that the colors are shown through multiple servers, never seen something like that. If you really want this game to succeed, it needs to stand out a lot to these other and more advanced places to be successful.

Best of luck,


Thank you a lot for your suggestion, and actually you are really right about the map being plain. I’ll try to improve the map. But, I need something that will make my game stand out of the other place games. And I don’t actually know what that is.

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Theres should be a cooldown so people wont grief. The map should be better or deleted. Only 9 colors.


Thank you for your respond, I’m glad for the suggestion. ^^
I’ll definetily make a cooldown in the incoming updates, and decorate the map.
But what my actual problem is to gain players. I don’t think around active 20-30 people would play this game.

Great idea but there’s also already games that do that, what if there was like… a lobby and you pressed a GUI and you were teleported there. Just things to add really.

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You could also try making it in a circle, have a rectangle part over all of the pieces (Above them though), make a cylinder, pretty much as big as you can, then, negate the cylinder, and union them together. Then just overlay that union just above the parts, so it’s a different shape!

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I never thought like that, and that’s an awesome idea! I’ll think on making this, but I’m actually really bad at modelling. :smile:

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Dw, you got it! Lmk if you get stuck, I can help! :smiley:

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Thank you! I’ll definetily ask for help if I’m stuck. ^^

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Does anyone have ideas on how I can make the game active?

Hmm, you could try advertising, but make sure to test out a few with around 200-500 to see which of around 4 perform the best, then send it out for 1-2k, or 5-10k if you’re really ambitious. 1-2k is what I normally go with though.

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Well, can I make a profit of robus from the advertisings?

You could, it depends if the players that join have premium, and if they buy stuff. It really depends on your game.

This is not a long term game. R/place game died out in may, it would have been a good idea to release then though.

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