roPrompts | Roblox Prompts Simplified

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What is roPrompts?

roPrompts is a prompt system for Roblox that was created to take the effort out of creating seamless prompts that look great in all of your games. With roPrompts, you can create beautiful prompts that look good in all types of games and seamlessly meshes with Roblox UI.

What does it look like?

Confirmation Prompt
Okay Prompt

Why not my own?

There are many reasons that roPrompts is the best prompt system available. Here are a few:
ā€¢ It blends in seamlessly with all Roblox UI
ā€¢ Itā€™s easy to set up and easy to use
ā€¢ It can be used in all sorts of different situations (resetting data, running important commands, etc.)
ā€¢ And so much more!

What does the code look like?

The code for roPrompts was designed with ease of use and simplicity in mind. Hereā€™s an example of prompt code:

local roPrompts = require(roPrompts) -- Require roPrompts

local prompt = roPrompts.New({ -- Create a prompt object
	Type = roPrompts.PromptType.Confirm, -- Define what type of prompt you want
	Title = 'Confirm Action', -- Title of the prompt
        Description = 'Are you sure you would like to do this action?', -- Description of the prompt
	PrimaryButton = 'Confirm', -- Main button of the prompt
	SecondaryButton = 'Cancel' -- Secondary/cancel button of the prompt

roPrompts:PromptPlayer(player, prompt) -- Prompt player

New Prompt Object
To create a new prompt object, you use the function Hereā€™s an example of a prompt object:

local prompt = roPrompts.New({ -- Create a prompt object
	Type = roPrompts.PromptType.Confirm, -- Define what type of prompt you want
	Title = 'Confirm Action', -- Title of the prompt
        Description = 'Are you sure you would like to do this action?', -- Description of the prompt
	PrimaryButton = 'Confirm', -- Main button of the prompt
	SecondaryButton = 'Cancel' -- Secondary/cancel button of the prompt

:white_check_mark: Required
:asterisk: Prompt Type Value (ex: roPrompts.PromptType.Comfirm)

:white_check_mark: Required
:asterisk: String/text

:white_check_mark: Required
:asterisk: String/text

:x: Not required [default Confirm/Okay]
:asterisk: String/text
:question: The primary/main button for the prompt

:x: Not required [default Cancel]
:asterisk: String/text
:question: The secondary/cancel button

:x: Not required
:asterisk: Image ID w/ rbxassetid (ex: ā€˜rbxassetid://7072706620ā€™)


Sending a prompt
To send a prompt, you use the function roPrompts:PromptPlayer(). Example:

roPrompts:PromptPlayer(player, prompt)

:white_check_mark: Required
:asterisk: Instance Player

:white_check_mark: Required
:asterisk: Prompt Object (see above)

:exclamation: Returns
:asterisk: Boolean value [true/false]

Why havenā€™t I used it yet?

Good question! Here are some important links for roPrompts:

Questions? Comments? Concerns?

If you have anything to ask me, please ask in the comments below or in our Discord server (preferred). I hope you enjoy using roPrompts!


You seem familiarā€¦ :grin:

Jokes aside, very nice model that I will definitely try out. Looks very much like the CoreUI which is what I like about it the most.

For those of you saying it has scam potential, note that he put ā€œNot Affiliated With Robloxā€ at the bottom of UI, so now people can see a clear difference between the CoreUI and his model.


inside the prompt you should show that this isnā€™t a roblox ui and that its developer made. it is really nice


He did. Try it out for yourself. Did you see the reply I just made?


i did, but i didnā€™t see it in the examples


He forgot to add it in the examples. But donā€™t worry. He added a caption for the UI that explains in 4 simple words that this isnā€™t the official Roblox CoreUI.


couldnt someone just edit that part out though? i doubt it would be that hard

Good point. Let me look at the UI right now. Iā€™m in studio.

NOOOOOO. Youā€™re right. You could edit the part out. All you have to do is delete a text box.

Dang. It wouldā€™ve been better if it was directly integrated into the UI.



LOL. You made your point.

Next time heā€™s online, Iā€™ll tell him to fix that.


I like it. The ui seems kind of weird, though. Feels like a tiny bit could be changed.


I agree, I think itā€™s just the scale and padding. Otherwise, this resource looks fantastic!


What do you think should be changed about it?

Iā€™ll add a part of the code that puts that in manually. Good suggestion!

Is it just me or does it remind you of Sweet Alert?


Wow thats cool ui.Is there an event where whenever player clicks confirm and i can make it do something like Ui.ConfirmClicked:Connect(ā€¦

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It does. If only Sweet Alert works for Lua.

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It returns a true or false value based on what the user clicked

Removed the revolutionary part. Good point!