- A free, rotating proxy for Roblox APIs

local HTTPService = game:GetService(“HttpService”)

local success, servers =
return HTTPService:JSONDecode(

if success then
local server = servers[1]

for i, svr in pairs(servers) do
    if svr["ping"] < server["ping"] then
        server = svr



I cannot access game api

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Could you add support to the following endpoints?

You’re using the link incorrectly. "game.PlaceId" should be your PlaceId, not just this text. Use this instead:


@OFFnoonbacon To get the price of a limited item, you can use the Rolimons API.

I made one request and it blocked me?


Is it cloudflare or the website?

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I see so much potential in this project.
But can anybody please tell me the format of url after using Roporxy.
Because i only heard people say "just replace the ‘’ with
And that doesn’t seem to work in most of my cases. => =>
u get the jist

what API did you try to access

Thank you. But how can i find the rest of the apis?
Like the asset api and soo on

You can see all the APIs here. Just be sure to change the domain from roblox => roproxy as @Exozorcus mentioned.

However there may be other deprecated APIs they haven’t included in there since they also included APIs not being used anymore, so I can give you a brief overview of other ones:
Roproxy does not support these subdomains so I just used these example ones.

isn’t that prohibted by the TOS?

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I want to

  • display a list of current front page games from different sorts and filters
  • display a list of player’s recently played game
  • display a list of player’s favorite games
  • display a list of player’s friend’s playing
  • display a list of recommend games for the player

As you have mentioned, this is a free proxy, however, I was wondering if it is free for you? If so, could you inform me of where you host it at?

I am currently working on a game using Roproxy to retrieve quite a bit of information, and unfortunately(but expected) this is resulting in about a 2s delay each time to gather all required information. I have tried to combat this by having the server constantly cache new required data that the player can then just pull from the cache. However, I was hoping to find ways to speed this all up, by maybe hosting my own proxy, but don’t exactly have funds to do so at the moment. I am curious if you could tell me how places like Catalog Avatar Creator and PLS Donate manage to proxy information at such a high rate and speed?

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those games use their own proxied servers

also you can use free resources like replit to host your proxy api

why would it be

redirection tools/proxies are used everywhere, like in VPN’s, workplace/school wifi, and for websites (in reverse).
If roblox blocked them, they would be blocking a useful feature of the internet, and a lot of people
roproxy is no different from any of them

You could theorically rent a server for $2/mo and setup a proxy on that

Do you think those games use MULTIPLE proxy servers to allow for splitting request rates, or just one proxy server that has higher rate limits?

I suggset you add a create.roblox proxy to get things such as images and audios and videos. thanks for your amazing proxy :smiley:

toolbox API is there for you

why would you need proxy

i need it because there was a game where it needs to search for images i did use assetservice or insert i think there was this function called ::getfreedecals only problem it got 3 pages only

toolbox API

not every service requires you to webscrape their front page

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