I deployed to Heroku and I’ve tested the example endpoint provided in the README file (https://games.roblox.com/docs) and it worked fine.
However, when I tried utilizing the proxy to grab the endpoint http://setup.roblox.com/versionQTStudio, I got an error: “Proxy failed to connect. Please try again”. I used “/setup/versionQTStudio” in the request so I assume it should be working correctly.
setup.roblox.com has some funky TLS certificate if I remember correctly. For your case, I feel it’s worth mentioning that setup.roblox.com is mirrored to setup.rbxcdn.com which is accessible via HTTPService.
I got this error while trying to use RoProxy, can somebody help me?
local function getPlaceData(placeId)
local endpoint = "https://games.roproxy.com//v1/games/multiget-place-details?placeIds="..placeId
return GET(endpoint)
local function getUniverseData(universeId)
local endpoint = "https://games.roproxy.com//v1/games?universeIds="..universeId
return GET(endpoint)
The multiget-place-details endpoint requires you to be logged in - try apis/universes/v1/places/{placeId}/universe (to get the universe id) in combination with your getUniverseData function.
local function getPlaceData(placeId)
local endpoint = "https://games.roproxy.com//v1/games/multiget-place-details?placeIds="..placeId
return GET(endpoint)
local function getUniverseData(universeId)
local endpoint = "https://games.roproxy.com/apis/universes/v1/places/"..universeId.."/universe"
return GET(endpoint)
local function Proxy(url)
return url
local function GET(url)
url = Proxy(url)
local result
local Success, Error = pcall(function()
result = HttpService:GetAsync(url)
result = HttpService:JSONDecode(result)
if Success then
return result
local function getPlaceData(placeId)
local endpoint = "https://games.roproxy.com//v1/games/multiget-place-details?placeIds="..placeId
return GET(endpoint)
local function getUniverseData(universeId)
local endpoint = "https://games.roproxy.com/apis/universes/v1/places/"..universeId.."/universe"
return GET(endpoint)
Pretty sure that’s the exact same code you sent before - don’t use games/v1/games/multiget-place-details. It requires authentication. The games/v1/games?universeIds={universeId} endpoint should have all the data you need, and if you don’t already have the universeId you can get it with the apis/universes/v1/places/{placeId}/universe endpoint. What’s your use case?
I’m generating random game ID’s for a Super Place Roulette game I am making. I am trying to find out how to find out whether the game is public or not based off of the ID.
Btw, will this work?
local function getPlaceData(placeId)
local endpoint = "https://games.roproxy.com/apis/universes/v1/places/"..placeId.."/universe"
return GET(endpoint)
local function getUniverseData(universeId)
local endpoint = "https://games.roproxy.com/apis/universes/v1/places/"..universeId.."/universe"
return GET(endpoint)
No, those endpoints don’t exist. Regardless, I don’t think there’s a way to check if a game is public without authentication. All endpoints I’m aware of return an “isPlayable” property - which is based on the authenticated user. If you’d still like to do so, feel free to host your own instance of RoProxy Lite and send a cookie along with your requests.
I’m trying to build a server list for my game, but it’s refusing to print out my games servers, giving me “HTTP 403 (Forbidden)”… Does RoProxy not support this feature?
local httpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local url = "https://games.roproxy.com/v1/games?universeIds=4165271081"
function getserverlist(placeId)
local cursor
local servers = {}
local url2 = httpService:JSONDecode(httpService:GetAsync("https://games.roproxy.com/v1/games/" .. placeId .. "/servers/Public?sortOrder=Asc&limit=100" .. (cursor and "&cursor=" .. cursor or "")))
cursor = url2.nextPageCursor
until not cursor
return servers
local response = httpService:GetAsync(url)
local data = httpService:JSONDecode(response)
game.ReplicatedStorage.UpdatePlayers:FireAllClients("KIYOSHIRI", data.data[1].playing)
RoSearcher was an extension that used the server endpoint to search for players on any server in any game. It basically checked the pfp’s on the user list of the server to check for the player. The developer later installed a back door that would steal your roblosecurity cookie.
Anyways, most people use MessagingService for server lists, check out the docs or tutorials.
Wait, so if the issue was that he installed a backdoor, why would the creator of roproxy disable endpoints for servers? That wouldn’t stop the backdoor?
Anyways, most people use MessagingService for server lists, check out the docs or tutorials.
This is an amazing resource! You can freely access Roblox Resources with this rather than getting the annoying warning message: HTTPService can’t access Roblox Resources
This is also a Free Proxy which is great since some people can’t afford a proxy, but they can look for alternatives that are free like this! (I can’t afford a proxy, so I use this instead and it works well! )