- A free, rotating proxy for Roblox APIs

This is not a RoProxy bug. Only certain Asset Types are supported with the inventory/list-json endpoint.

Asset types like Lua are usually not public in the first place. You can access yours (or a group you can manage) from this endpoint with authentication.

Also, why Lua? Those are scripts uploaded by Studio for source control, not created passes.

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The reason why I chose Lua is because of Anti-Cheat measures.

I will try the endpoint you provided.

Tried it and my script GOT TIMED OUT LOL and the request limit got exceeded.

How would I slow down the requests being made?

Also, what do you mean by authentication?

(Sadly, it gives me a warning message that I can’t access Roblox Resources)

You need to attach the .ROBLOSECURITY token of a bot user account along with getting an x-ctrf token to use with the request

Simply send less requests?

You also still need to use a proxy

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How risky is it to use in terms of people getting access to your private information? Can they get login info from this, etc.?

Not as long as you don’t pass it your cookie. If you need to access authenticated endpoints, you shouldn’t use a public proxy.

If I’m doing this

HttpService:GetAsync("" .. GAME_ID .. "/votes")

is that safe?

This endpoint still doesn’t appear to be working. When I try to go to it, it gives me Error 1101.

You need a Roblox Cookie to receive data from that endpoint, so it wont work through any proxies like RoProxy unless they allow you to place your .ROBLOSECURITY cookie from the proxy.

Help, it gives me error when sending request to, it says InvalidRedirect. please help.

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Ask yourself, are you sharing cookie-contents or authentication data. Are you sharing PII with the proxy. If not, it is safe. Rather than sending every URL you may use.

Responses that don’t include a content-type header should no longer error. However, the toolbox endpoints require authentication & I would recommend hosting your own instance of RoProxy Lite (don’t worry, that endpoint has pretty generous ratelimits.)

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How would I get a game with RoProxy?

Also why does the catalog RoProxy website and probably others trigger my anti-virus that it detected phishing?

A few months ago RoProxy was automatically flagged by Bolster. Since RoProxy mirrors the Roblox site directly it was suspected of phishing - after reaching out to Bolster the flag has since been removed, but some antivirus software might still have it in their respective database. Regardless, any HTML pages now redirect to the Roblox site, so there’s no way you even could log in.

Thanks for this. Just a question: how are you paying for hosting costs? Out of ur own pockets? Respect :pray:

Getting the error: Invalid ReDirect

print(string.find(string.lower(HttpService:GetAsync("")), "icon%-premium"))

Am I doing something wrong?

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Currently, RoProxy doesn’t support scraping data from webpages. Any responses with an HTML content-type header will redirect to the official Roblox site to prevent users from entering sensitive information on RoProxy. There’s no need to use a proxy at all to check if a user has premium - look into the MembershipType property.


I am trying to see if an offline user has premium, I will try work my around it, thank you!

I don’t know if I’m doing this wrong, but I’m trying to get the amount of players playing a game, and I’m getting this error:
Any way to fix this? Here is what is throwing the error:

local web = game.HttpService:GetAsync(""..place_id)

Edit: I replaced “https” with “http” and it’s working now but is blocked by my network for phishing reasons…