RoStats 》Stats For Developers (Roblox LinkedIn)

What do you mean back this up? In out communications server we have users roled. As well as, I’m apart of the moderation and skill reviewer team. Hope this helps.

  • Roman

I don’t get why people are hating tbh… It’s like rlly toxic. Personally, from the images you’ve posted, I think it’s great.


Dumbest thing I’ve heard in forever. He’s showing his work, not looking for recommendations.


I have one question about the Terms and Privacy Policy. Many people including me do not live in Europe, so GDPR is not in effect in our countries. In the United States, the privacy law is COPPA, and I have not seen any mention of COPPA anywhere on the terms. Would you mind making sure your website complies with GDPR and COPPA?


The translator is George Gaitainis u can see his portfolio here → We are taking the feedbacks each people have suggested. As I have said it’s not the best but until we make better criteria considering the feedback we got, we are going to be using the one we have.

COPPA is the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act. Our website does not knowingly collect info on anyone under 13 (as stated in our terms and privacy conditions), therefore COPPA does not apply to us.

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Use something like, RoStats doesn’t really send anything to your email anyways

I have signed up to Ro-Stats but there’s basically no reason to use it. All I can really do right now is show everyone that I have a level 3 interfacing skill.

It would be cool if you could like post jobs or look for them but then again will do that.

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I genuinely 100% agree with you. There is little content on the site, this is due to a burn out I just came out of and that most features are in pre alpha testing or in the middle of being developed.

Also RoStats will be more useful when the Talent hub comes out as I will be making a chrome plugin that would integrate RoStats into the Talent Hub.

Nah, I’ll just head to my website’s cPanel and create an alt email… I probably have like 20 of them-

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Does it not require email? Is the email not stored? If the email is not stored, make it unrequired.

emails are stored but they are encrypted and encoded. They are mainly used as a security measure to prevent bots from signing up, eventually they will be used to request password changes and to notify you about skill applications.

Yeah, this does require COPPA then. I don’t believe you are allowed to store under thirteens’ email… I might be wrong, but you should probably double check.

This should be an toggleable option. I’ve signed up to some stuff with my main email and sometimes I get super annoyed because I get so many unnecessary emails.

image from our Terms and Privacy conditions.

I understand your concern, but wouldn’t users like to know if their skill application got accepted or rejected?

Yes, but wouldn’t making a popup to them on the main site be more efficient?

Or even better, make your own notifications system. (like the devforum)

that requires more storage in the database than we already have. having the user be emailed about their skill application makes more sense from a development standpoint as it is quicker to do, it relies on an established system.

Alright. From a business standpoint that makes sense, but also tons less efficient for the user. Maybe you can eventually implement it as the site grows?

Also, I don’t recall things like Heroku persisting files… Kind of worrying if you’re using an external database? (it could be less secure, efficient and possibly dangerous)

in the future it would definitely be a possibility to implement a feature similar to that of the devforums notification system.