RoStats 》Stats For Developers (Roblox LinkedIn)

What about the database you use? Is it external? If so, you need to list that in the ToS/ToU and specify which external database your using…

the database is from interserver and I don’t believe that you have to specify who is hosting the database but you do have to specify how the data is stored, which RoStats does state in the T&P conditions.

Stating which external database will enforce some trust with the users. It is not required, but I recommend it. It will definitely get your users to trust you more. Makes your project seem more ‘transparent’ if you get what I mean.

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good point actually :slight_smile: I will consider including it in the next update.

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How does a greek+english speaker know, say, a bengali + english speaker? You can’t rely on google translate, and it’s not like he can speak it. I could write something like “the person who hired me is an idiot” and he wouldn’t know. Can someone elaborate more on how it works?


I’d really recommend to work on responsiveness as soon as possible. I’m running an application centre service with xJon_as, which experienced a large portion of mobile users accessing our site. If our website wasn’t responsive, we would probably lose 20-30% of our revenue (which is a few hundred dollars / month).

So, even if you don’t make revenue for now, support mobile devices and the retention rate will increase a lot & the bounce rate will decrease significantly! For new projects, always focus on making a design mobile-friendly, then continue with computer screens.

Addressing another issue, your Terms & Privacy Conditions seem to have a dead link at the “RoStats plus page” and has the sentence: “…the right to bar users…”, which is probably supposed to be “ban”/“suspend”.

I’m going to look into the site and see what impact it will have for me.

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You have to be transparent about the country you host it in though, US laws are less strict about privacy regulations for example.

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The reviews feature will be coming out in a week or two. :slight_smile:

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Videos when?

I got bored so I signed up

You should really consider working on basic requirements for a modern website like password reset and responsiveness on mobile instead of cranking out new features every so often. Just my two cents.


Sometimes it returns a server error 500. Just refresh the page and it will be fine. :slight_smile:

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I want to quickly add on to this,
It seems like the API doesn’t return correctly formatted JSON for a user request:

What it should look like:

Would you be comfortable disclosing the hashing algorithm you use? How many iterations, if it’s salted, and the base hashing method itself. (such as SHA256, MD5, etc.)

every user has a unique salt, I use bcrypt for hashing.

I realised that a few days ago, it will be patched in the next update.

Please make the plugin available on other browsers too.

Yeah, they should work on a mobile version of the website or create an app and put it in the App Store.


Firefox is basically the only other browser and that has like a 5% market share.

Although, expanding to the 3nd most used broswer would benefit them in the only term (Not including Edge or other Chromium based browsers)
It seems like they have a lot on their plat, they should get everythingin a working state as of now

firefox supports chrome extensions verbatim, it just doesn’t support the file format, see Porting Chrome Extensions to Firefox with WebExtensions - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog. you can just extract the crx (it’s a fancy signed zip) & load the manifest directly.

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That isn’t very convenient. I’d rather install it directly from the store.

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