RoStats 》Stats For Developers (Roblox LinkedIn)

@NamelessGuy2005 Bug with applying for scripter, the file attachments only accept PNGs and not .txt files consisting of Lua code (typed in Notepad lol).

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I am pretty sure u have to send a picture of ur scripts not the script it self

What about modeling? Anybody can take a picture of someone’s model and submit it as theirs.
Besides, composing cannot be submitted through a picture.

yes true but any accusation will be dealt with promptly

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New Database

We now have a new bigger database, for context our last database was 5mb, our new one is 100gb! There were 2 bugs that I had to iron out though. The first bug existed because unicode symbols weren't allowed in the new database. The second bug existed because some results from the database were sent through as "None" as they were long resulting in the website thinking that the user didn't exist.

Previous Updates!


Bugs Have Been Fixed!

@Stratiz and @LordMerc had pointed out the fact that users could access a version the site without an SSL certificate, which is not good. That has been fixed

@Stratiz pointed out that my Terms Of Service were not available, you can now access our Terms And Privacy Conditions here:

@justice_romqxn had pointed out that discord linking didn’t work, this has also been fixed and you can link your rostats account to discord at Loading... (you must be signed in for this to work). Alternativly you can click the link discord button at the bottom of your rostats profile located at Loading....

An abundance of users noticed issues with signing up such as the sign up form submitting even though the password didn’t match and or the password didn’t meet the requirements, and putting an invalid roblox username would cause a default error 500 page instead of the custom error page.

I hope RoStats will be more stable now and more users will be able to enjoy now that a few bugs have been irradicated! :slight_smile:


btroblox prevents you from being able to change ur description, maybe disabling the plugin might help?

also the terms and conditions are now available:

When I tried to link my portfolio this happened:


I was able to sign up successfully however.

EDIT: I was able to get this fixed, but can we have a way to submit games rather than files? My best game is closed-source so I don’t feel very comfortable sharing more than 1 script from it.

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As a skill reviewer myself I wouldn’t mind reviewing scripts that are not from ur game as long as u made them. For example, you can write a whole new script in a baseplate and I will review it.

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How did you fix this issue exactly, I’m having the same issue…

Txt files aren’t safe you have to upload images.

This sounds pretty interesting, I’ll be sure to try this when I can.


IK why this happened. Most server 500 errors are from the database, the database I am using only allows for 30 connections to be made to it at once, therefore you couldn’t link your portfolio as doing that requires a new connection to the database.

I will be getting a new database on Tuesday which will fix these issues!

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Then again, PNG files can contain hidden executables. You can just scan files with VirusTotal :man_shrugging:

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And why doesn’t the apply customization button not working?

looking at your profile I can see that you have applied the scripting theme successfully, I don’t understand what the problem is. :slight_smile:

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Oh yeah. Sorry I see what you mean. Also how can you level up?

when you think your skill has improved you can apply again, the criteria’s will become public soon, I just need to get them looking good in a html webpage :slight_smile:

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The interface of the site seems really neat and user-friendly. Only thing I’m concerned about is how broad and simple the scripting requirements are judging from your 3rd dev-log.

I think there should be around 5 - 7 bullet points per level to make the requirements less broad and more clear. One of the requirements for level 2 is “actively tries to comment their scripts” which isn’t mandatory at all. Too many comments can impact readability and doesn’t affect your code quality or showcase.

Like level 1, level 2 still covers the bare basics of Roblox Studio and code (remote events and functions) which is why I think that level 2 requirements should be included in level 1’s. A scripter can easily reach level 2 with only a week of experience unless that’s how you intended for the system to work.

The rankings doesn’t have any code efficiency or optimization requirements which is very important. How good the solution is for the job reflects the coder’s skill level / experience.