Roundify plugin

Sounds like this program is no longer of use then.

This plugin definitely has its use. It’s a time saver, and for those just starting out, it is much easier to click a single button than to figure out constraints.

Are you now wrapping around UICorner, or are you still using images?

I plan on updating it to include both, but it’ll default to UICorner with the option of using an image instead like Roundify currently does.

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Why, images have to be loaded somewhere down the line, and don’t provide the performance of the native UI cornering?

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Actually, UICorner is slower to render than using Roundify. Here is a reply about it. UICorner [Live] - #152 by 0xabcdef1234


Though is talking of one instance with an iPhone 6, a disputedly seriously old device – and at that it’s adding around a 1-2ms load time per frame, so I’m not seeing the problem here? 100 frames you only add 100ms. If this is a major performance issue that is pushing your users away from using native Roblox code – which will more than likely be optimized later, I don’t know what to say. Not to mention, getting users to use images creates issues with Zindexing down the line, it’s way easier just to wrap your code around UICorner for your end user in the long run.

I’ve personally used and love your plugin, however, I don’t think it’s good to skip about migrating to Roblox’s latest feature set.


Who said I was going to skip about migrating to UICorner? I’m ultimately expanding the capabilities of the plugin, defaulting to UICorner whilst leaving Roundify as an option for those who prefer.

Best of both worlds.


This was such a good plugin… It’s still better than UICorner in some cases, but for most cases, I just go for UI Corner, I started using roundify when ui corner was already a thing so…

But still, it’s pretty good since it supports stuff that UI Corner doesn’t. UI corner for instance does not support textboxes, so i use roundify for that, Though I get mad because now I have a bunch of mixed stuff between Roundify and UICorner in my game and it makes it super annoying to code since you have to change the color from the roundify object and stuff… But still, I love this plugin! It has a special place in my heart. One of the plugins I most used.


Makes sense, roundify is just a picture. UICorner actually makes corners.


I tried roundyfying ImageButtons and ImageLabels but this happens

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Thanks for letting me know.
I’m not for certain why, but it looks as though the ZIndex of the ImageLabel isn’t being automatically adjusted like it should. If you increase the ImageLabel ZIndex by 1 or 2, it should fix your issue.

I’ll look into it to fix it so it shouldn’t do that anymore.

Not sure why but I’m getting these lines everytime my window size changes

Hasn’t happened before so hopefully there’s a fix
I’m working in scale if that means anything

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Pretty sure it does, if you are talking about roundifying the background. I tested it yesterday.


Only works if you have a frame behind it and you do it on the frame. I have tested multiple times, unless they recently changed it, which I doubt.

I’m able to do it fine


Oh ok, when I replied to that it was when that was not a thing.

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Thank you! Plugins these days are getting better and better :raised_hands:


I haven’t seen that happen before, I will look into it and see if I can get a fix.

Do you have steps to replicate?


Do it as normal but try dragging explorer/property windows in order to make the screen size bigger or smaller
It messes up by doing that for me. And sometimes when I press play it fixes and other times it doesn’t. It’s weird lol