Rovolution Roblox API
Support Server: Discord
Have you ever wanted to create a gamepass ranking system? But can’t due to the roblox in game API limits? Well this is the tool you are looking for! Rovolution Roblox API allows you to promote/demote/exile/accept join/deny join/set rank of users in your group from inside your roblox game.
The API is quite complex to use so we create an API wrapper:
The API is built fully serverless so it can handle huge changes in demand, you don’t need to use the API wrapper you can make your own (check below).
Start Using the Module:
HTTPS Must be enabled!!
First we need to create a new Project on [RovolutionLogistics]
1.) RovolutionLogistics - Dashboard, you may need to sign in with Discord!
2.) Click create new project!
3.) Enter a project name, and then click next!
4.) Now select Roblox API and you can invite collaborators with their Discord username + tag, these people can see and edit the token!
5.) Now enter your Ranking accounts roblox token, in Roblox User Token box. To get your token follow the guide below!
6.) Now click download the code snippet, this will automatically add your API key and Project ID, you can open this in notepad or go to Roblox and right click on serverscript service and select
Insert from File
and insert it!
Get Roblox Login Token:
Roblox tokens are what unlocks an account, they allow users to spend your robux, trade your items and edit your games! Please always use a burner roblox account and never share your token! If you know what you are doing please continue the guide below:
Click the padlock on the address bar!
Then click Cookies:
Find this cookie:
Select all:
And then copy the cookie into Rovolution Logistics!
Example code:
-- Example using the Rovolution API --
local Rovolution_Module = require(9520664531).default -- Default because of the way the wrapper is written
local ProjectID = "TEST_PROJECT_ID"
local API =, API_KEY)
-- Now we can talk to the API
-- For example promote a user
local groupID = 7535264 -- Rovolution Group
local userID = 3152860974 -- A test account
API:PromoteUser(groupID, userID)
The wrapper exposes 5 functions, expect more soon!
API:PromoteUser(groupID, userID)
API:DemoteUser(groupID, userID)
API:AcceptJoinRequest(groupID, userID)
API:RejectJoinRequest(groupID, userID)
API:ExileUser(groupID, userID)
API:SetRank(groupID, userID, rank)
Using the API without the wrapper!
Base URL -
Only POST requests accepted!
Example lua code
local HttpService = GetService("HttpService")
local json_Serialised = HttpService:JSONEncode({
data = {
HttpService:PostAsync("", json_Serialised)
API Routes:
- checkKey
- promoteUser
- demoteUser
- exileUser
- acceptJoinRequest
- denyJoinRequest
- setRank
As you can see the above code is quite complex and confusing which is why we recommend the API Wrapper, shown above!
If you need support please join the discord server below!
Support Server: Discord
Contributions are always welcome, we are using Roblox-TS to convert TS to LUA.
Signed GeraldIn2016
CEO and Founder of Rovolution