[ROWAR-VI] The Winter Campaign ⋅ Pre-War Recap


Today on the 26th of December 2019, Ro-War VI officially starts. Clans have sided between two coalitions, named the Winter Powers and the Coalition of Superclans.

Some have been accepted into the war, some not, but for today, this forum tells a story of the Organization and Pre-War hype for Ro-War VI, also known as “The Winter Campaign”.

1. Directory

  1. Directory
  2. Overview
  3. Involved Clans
  • a. Coalition of Superclans
  • b. Winter Powers
  • c. Unofficial
  1. Final Notes

2. Overview

With a few noteworthy major events, on December 14th, 2019, || Imperial Armada || declared war on several clans with a written document, and after quickly spreading around, on the same day RSF declared the formation of the Coalition of Superclans. Delta Regiment then decided on the 19th, to call out IA with other clans, as the enemy in this war, ultimately making the body of the Winter Powers.

The formation of this war has been rather chaotic (as like most RoWars). Clans were siding with the clans that declared war on them, and that mass sides were being decided at once by some of them. The point of where each clan belongs is found below, but it can be hard to understand.

So here’s the timeline. (By date + time)

December 14th, || Imperial Armada || Declares “The Winter Campaign”, a war against

  • Valania (Sides with WP)
  • Delta Regiment
  • The Nighthawk Imperium: Commandos (Remains Neutral)
  • ReaΩvers
  • Republic of Aerius (Sides with WP)
  • Nightfall Clan (Remains Neutral)
  • Mesmer
  • The Prime Syndicate

December 14th, RSF Declares their side in The Winter Campaign

  • Valania (Sides with WP)
  • Delta Regiment
  • The Nighthawk Imperium: Commandos (Remains Neutral)
  • ReaΩvers
  • Republic of Aerius (Sides with WP)
  • Nightfall Clan (Remains Neutral)
  • Mesmer
  • The Prime Syndicate
  • Petra’s Liberation Front (Sides with WP)
  • Federation of Arcadia
  • The Clockwork Corporation (Remains Neutral)

December 14th, Aztecian Sovereignty sides with CoS and is against IA+Allies

December 15th, Federation of Arcadia sides with CoS and is against IA

December 15th, Aegis Core sides with CoS and is against WP

December 15th, Nightfall Clan declares itself Neutral in The Winter Campaign

December 16th, The Bear Supremacy sides with their ally, IA, and against CoS

December 16th, The WIJ Alliance sides with their ally, IA, and against RSF

December 17th, USAF SF sides with CoS and is against IA&Allies

December 18th, Immortal (Imperial) Robloxian Federation sides with their ally, IA, and against CoS

December 18th, Coalition of Superclans discord is created.

December 19th, Winter Powers discord is created.

December 19th, ReaΩvers sides with CoS and is against WP

December 19th, Dark Royal Military sides with CoS and is against IA&Allies

December 19th, Pre-War events starts.

December 19th, Mesmer sides with CoS and is against WP

December 19th, DeIta Regiment supports CoS and is against WP.

  • || Imperial Armada ||
  • Valania
  • The Bear Supremacy
  • Immortal Robloxian Federation
  • A-NEXO
  • The Robloxian Army TRA
  • The Nighthawk Commandos
  • Anyone else who opposes CoS

December 19th, day ends with Pre-War Score, 0-6 (CoS-WP)

December 20th, Alpha Authority sides with WP and is against CoS

December 20th, Petra’s Liberation Front sides with WP and is against CoS

December 20th, New Athian Contingency sides with CoS and is against IA&Allies

December 20th, Republic of Aerius sides with WP and is against CoS.

December 20th, day ends with Pre-War Score, 5-10 (CoS-WP)

December 21st, The Robloxian Army TRA sides with WP and is against CoS

December 21st, Dec. 26th is secretly said among leaders as the official beginning of the War + Score Count

December 21st, Valania sides with their ally, IA, and against CoS

December 21st, day ends with Pre-War Score, 5-12 (Cos-WP)

December 22nd, day ends with Pre-War Score, 5-17 (CoS-WP)

December 23rd, SEA Military sides with WP and is against CoS

December 23rd, day ends with Pre-War Score, 11-20 (CoS-WP)

December 24th, Christmas Eve is declared a day of Armistice for both sides.

December 24th, day ends with Pre-War Score, 12-20 (CoS-WP)

December 25th, Christmas is declared a day of Armistice for both sides.

December 26th, WP & CoS will start their attacks at 11:00/12:00 EST, making The Winter Campaign, Ro-War VI, official.

X, The WIJ Alliance sides with CoS, against WP

3. Involved Clans

a. Coalition of Superclans

RSF // RSF War Declaration

Aegis Core // AEGIS War Declaration

Aztecian Sovereignty // AS War Declaration

Dark Royal Military // DRM War Declaration

DeIta Regiment // DR War Declaration

Federation of Arcadia // FoA War Declaration

Mesmer // MESMER War Declaration

New Athian Contingency // NAC War Declaration

ReaΩvers // RΩ War Declaration

The Prime Syndicate

The WIJ Alliance // WIJ War Declaration

United States Armed Forces | USA // USAF SF War Declaration

b. Winter Powers

|| Imperial Armada || // IA War Declaration


Immortal Robloxian Federation // lRF War Declaration

KL | Kyprian Commandos

Petra’s Liberation Front // PLF War Declaration

Republic of Aerius // RoA War Declaration

SEA Military // SEA War Declaration

Sigmarite Empire

The Bear Supremacy // BEAR War Declaration

The Robloxian Army TRA // TRA War Declaration

Valania // VAL War Declaration

c. Unofficial

Alpha Authority // AA War Declaration

Nightfall Clan // NFC War Statement

Nighthawk Commandos

The Clockwork Corporation

4. Final Notes

This has taken me over 6 hours to create, and as much as I am very enthusiastic about archiving history, our beloved community, I think this isn’t the most strenuous thing I’ve done.

Future newsletters like this will be published, I hope you find them interesting/helpful.

May the best Coalition win!


12.26.2019 6:42EST Finalized directory.
12.26.2019 6:46EST Finished.
12.26.2019 8:05EST Corrected unofficial group link.
12.26.2019 8:08EST Due to Mobile Previews, a lot of links might be messed up because of how the DevForum defines variables automatically. Testing links.
12.26.2019 8:17EST Fix attempted.
12.26.2019 8:40EST Title & Directory grammar changed.
12.26.2019 8:44EST WIJ Position changed, Timestamp added for WIJ, changed BEAR timestamp.
12.26.2019 8:56EST Fixed tweets /w wrong formatting.
12.26.2019 8:59EST Fixed new WIJ timestamp.
12.31.2019 16:45EST Removed “List Item”.