I made a 472x472 persistent grid that you can color on using all 128 BrickColors.
It saves every 6 seconds. There is no cooldown for coloring. Click to teleport or select the paint tool to color. Hold R to turn on the eyedropper color picker. Saying 3 numbers (e.g. 255 128 0) will respond with the nearest BrickColor. I’m using my specially designed color palette.
Each color can be represented in 7 bits because there are 128 BrickColors. There are not 128 unique symbols that can be stored in a data store, so I convert a bitstring representing the whole grid into base 64. Multiple smaller grids with separate data store keys would handle cross-server changes better, but this is a 100 player game. The best case would be to have an external server handling updates and replicating changes, but it isn’t necessary.
There is now a repair tool, where everything you draw is saved and if it is drawn over, you can easily repair it. You can also highlight and save things other people drew so that you can repair them whenever they get damaged.
a big concern in an open world persistent place like this is vandalism. what can possibly be done about it? how did it work in reddit? I figure everything in reddit was managed by a bot (many) to automatically recover from any vandalism, but that doesn’t quite work here.