/r/place in roblox

Good enuff

nintendo swicc


Maelstronomer your head is no more :slight_smile:

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I reserved a box that I think is large enough for a pixel art articuno. Hopefully nobody fills it with anything because then I’d have to ruin somebody else’s work to make the articuno.

Are you the one who reserved the box over my green R?

Yeah. Did something happen to it? I’m not gonna touch your R ubless you touch my box.

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I would already have trouble just drawing my name

Took me two and a half hours but I was able to complete my Articuno by myself nonetheless. I did not disturb any work around it, it merely brushes up to the edges and then stops.


Edit: Decided to represent Team Mystic



I added a repair tool so now if somebody else draws over something you drew, you can just drag over it with the repair tool and magically restore it to what you originally drew. What you draw from now on is recorded and saved under your userid. Things drawn before the update would need to be fixed manually with the paint tool in order to be repaired.

It’s a little late now… somebody decided to come into the server and draw a bunch of red dots all over my Articuno which isn’t saving even though I drew most of it after. 2.5 hours of work gone in a matter of minutes :frowning: Now to redraw a lot of it.

Edit: Apparently your repair tool works, thanks for coming to help repair, all is good now.

Nyan nyan nyan nyan

I’ve made an update to the repair tool. Now you can hold Q to select an area to save something somebody else drew so you can repair it later on. Also, the repair effect is now ranged, so it’s not just dragging over each individual pixel at a time. Institutional white is the default blank pixel, which shows up over anything that isn’t in your repair memory, so reverting anything to Institutional white still has a brush size of 1 pixel at a time.

nice prequel memes

Actually that was mine. RIP

Lol, I had the robot bottom right and left. I did eventually give it to him right before it ended, but now I have a lone piece sitting at home on my shelf - all alone :frowning:.

There is quite a lot of vandalism going on. I think that it is automated. I’ll need to make my remotes less naive. If somebody who has saved stuff could repair it, that would be great. It isn’t easy at all on mobile.

Well… crap.

How much time was wasted to do THAT…?