/r/place in roblox

definitely some remote abuse. Forcing server side distance checks to the character would definitely be a big improvement.

that ain’t my head, I would’ve added horns xD

the board has been rolled back to my repair save. if you’ve drawn something since then then you can still put it back with your repair tool.

I made my mark


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And the friendly void grows… Hello darkness my old friend

Glad to see others like using the fat ops too.

Uh oh. Read the last part after the 3 dots of “did you ever heat the tragedy…” thing. I feared this would happen. I count 3 cuss words myself.

You should come and fix them :slight_smile: Overnight there was a ton of griefing, but I’m confining myself to fixing the art within my territory, and that’s been outside my territory since someone half-rolled-back the text I was moving up

Kinda can’t on school wi-fi, nor do I feel the want to mess with something that isn’t mine.
Also, if my wording implied I made that wall of text, I didn’t. I only did the Roblox Cheez-it logo and the “Does anyone have robot bottom right”

Found a bug! Saving canvas along the top edge of the map seems to save the entire map for that row


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I remade Noodle from the original /r/place

The friendly void has reached its maximum potential unless it crosses over to the other side.

I filled in as much as I could with respecting areas that also use Jet Black blocks. If something was considered a duplicate or just spam/unnecessary, I covered it.

Remote event abuse is pretty concerning. There was actual porn loaded onto the canvas. Doing distance checks on the server didn’t help, the client can just move its character. I’ll need to make the color signaling more complicated.

Do you check how many times per second a person tries to change a pixel? A simple check to see if the last pixel was within 1/15th of a second or so could help.

You can click and drag to draw. The change I’m making right now is to store the selected color on the server. My current remote takes a part and a brickcolor and changes the part’s color to that brickcolor if the player is within 20 studs. The current cooldown is a limit of 4 parts per wait(). Storing the selected color on the server, the client signals the remote to what color it wants to select. When drawing, the client would only send a part rather than a part and a color, and the server knows what color they have selected to know what color to color the part. This can still be automated fairly easy, so I’m open to ideas.

Why not both?