[RTrack] Endpoint for total roblox players, revenue & more

tl:dr; free endpoint that shows some cool stats you can use with http service or for your own website, you’ll likely need some basic experience with get requests.


Hey there! I thought I’d release this seperately to the main RTrack Thread, as it’s not really related to RTrack as a service; this is more of a developer facing api for use in games, other websites, etc.

RTrack recently got a new feature which shows some key stats about Roblox as a platform, called ‘Sitewide’. I created an internal endpoint for this, but as the load on it is very minimal for each request, and it caches to prevent overlapping requests to Roblox, I thought I’d expose it as a public url.

Here it is:


The endpoint will return a result similar to this:
["\ud83c\udf83HALLOWEEN\ud83c\udf83 Adopt Me!",136950,1401863,86460829136,1572220683,5,3500]

This is a JSON array, so first must be decoded, (in Roblox that’s HttpService:JSONDecode). Past that, the layout of the elements are as follows, in this order:

  1. Name of the top game on Roblox
  2. Number of players in the top game
  3. Total Players across the platform
  4. Total Gamepass Revenue across the platform
The rest of the array elements are less important, but I have still listed them here incase you find some use for them
  1. Time stamp (in UNIX) of the time this data was collected.
  2. Time (in seconds) that the collection of the data took the server.
  3. The number of games scanned to find this data.

Frequency of requests and Limits

This API updates roughly once every 10 seconds, calling it any more frequently than this serves no purpose so please try to avoid this.

There are currently no limits on this endpoint, however this could change if the load is too high, please use it responsibly and cache the response where possible, thanks!