Russia v ukraine conflict game, how should i not get banned?

so im like halfway through with making a russian v ukraine game, and obviously after i put the hard work in i found out real world conflicts can get you banned, so how can i change this and make sure i dont get banned?

heres some pics of the game


Change flags. Make it barely seem like it’s about Russia and Ukraine.


only thing is that was my main selling point lol, but ill do it for the sake of not getting banned

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Your main selling point is a ban point. If I was you I’d make it less related to the current events, and when the current events are finished and become irrelevant, make it the actual meaning of the game.

For example you would make a game about covid now, but back in 2020, you would make a game about “infectious lung viruses” to avoid the strict moderation that event had when it was active.


Adding to this is you wish to avoid a ban, set the date of the game in the future. Something like “2088 conflict” or something along the lines

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Вообще, не стоит делать игры на тематику войны современных стран. Я всё понимаю. Но ты моешь попробовать немного поменять названия стран и флаги.
Trans: You should not make games on the theme of the war of modern countries. I understand everything. But you can try to change the names of countries and flags a little.


Honestly speaking bro I don’t think it’s wise and cool trying to gain some clout or make some quick dollars of a real event that took lives of many people.It’s very bannable yes and it might even extend to your account getting banned(Cause Roblox mods are like that).
If this is the only creative idea that game to your mind try changing the flags and the names eg(Russia = Russaia).


i second this. to be honest, it’s quite insensitive and roblox is a distraction for many young people impacted by the war. i’d advise not to continue making this game.


if getting clout off a war impacting millions and killing thousands is your selling point, it’s not okay. don’t do it.


The easiest way is to not make a game based on the Russo-Ukrainian war.


not making it for “clout” or “money”, im just interested in war and i wanted to make a game?


you say this yet no one talks about cod ww2, battlefield 1, battlefield 5, wolfenstein, cod cold war, hell let loose, ect ect. plus im not using this to get “clout”


Not trying to make light of the genocide of Europeans is a good start.


well, i’m making it 'cause i’m not here for profit but instead to make a war game that shows the TRUE depression of wars.

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no ones making light of the situation, i am also european so i dont know what your point is


everyone instantly assumes im just making it to make money and for “clout” lol


how about just not doing it at all, yeah? this is still an active and ongoing conflict with an unimaginable amount of human lives lost, atrocities, and shared trauma. no matter how you go about it or your intentions, it’s in very poor taste.



it honestly hard to say if you can get banned for that type of game. because after all why would Roblox ban something? when they also publish a ukraine, Hat on their marketplace.

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I have already stopped, but I don’t appreciate your tone. I understand your point of view but from mine I see games around ww2 which has ended in over 10 million deaths yet no one bats an eye, I meant it as some type of awareness but I see others peoples reasoning and that I will get banned because of the community guidelines, which is exactly why I stopped

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I appreciate that you’ve stopped, but let me explain further my thinking: I find it generally distasteful to make content about war, but especially when it is still ongoing. The difference is that barely any individuals from WW2 remain and none from WW1. Those caught between the Russo-Ukrainian war are still very much alive.

Hopefully you’ve learned from this, everyone makes mistakes.