Russia v ukraine conflict game, how should i not get banned?

so what about the plentiful games set in the middle east? or the many, MANY vietnam war games, what about things like RoN which bases levels on actual tragedies, would those be considered tasteless too? I don’t think this is a good point imo


my exact thinking, theres A LOT of games based around wars that are fairly recent spanning from late / mid last century to even this century yet i dont see anything being said about those


You’re implying that I don’t find those tasteless too? I do, I said that in my first sentence. I don’t think games should be made about tragedies in the Middle East or the Vietnam invasion, because the victims still remain. They are recent, the trauma caused by them is recent.

I feel like my words have been intentionally interpreted maliciously? You’ve manipulated my words and argument into something completely different.

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what were you thinking while making this, just wondering


i find war interesting, ukraine and russia isnt the only ones ive done, i just like making war games tbh + they raise awareness and can show how bad war can be

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aren’t you that guy who invented the green screen?


hey! yeah! thanks! fixed! no problem.

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I wouldn’t say maliciously, just interpretated differently, I believe people should be able to make what they want and if you don’t like it don’t play it, but I do see peoples reasonings with this and like I said before I decided to discontinue it, also like I said before, don’t like it? don’t play it :man_shrugging:

I personally think the freedom to ‘create anything’ shouldn’t come at the expense of those who actually suffered and probably wouldn’t like to see their trauma and suffering made into a shooter video game, but to each their own I suppose.

It really isn’t as simple as “don’t like it don’t play it”. Sometimes it just doesn’t belong and shouldn’t be made in the first place.

That kind of ends my thoughts on this. Best regards In whatever you make after this.

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I understand and see where your coming from, but the games don’t include “real” tragedies (sorry if I worded this wrong but read the rest to understand) such as specific bombings or specific cities that have been attacked or whatever, its just simply both countries at war, fictional cities, fictional places, fictional characters and fictional army, simply just based on both of the countries. I can see that it still might be a sensitive subject but I wouldn’t say its at the “expense” of those who suffered during the war. but I enjoyed kind of “debating” this and thank you for listening

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btw besides the context of the game I do like the building style of it and I think the environment is pretty. good work!


i appreciate it :slight_smile:

character limit

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all I did was quote something you said and extrapolated from it for sake of explaining the viewpoint as rather bad from the examples given. Personally, this just seems like an issue with you and a few other forum members in particular, the idea of a game set/based on a current conflict is NOT a foreign idea, with games like six days in fallujah, squad, and the aforementioned RoN taking locations and entire concepts from real life wars and tragedies, and pulling it off tastefully, even on roblox there are multiple “middle eastern” and “european” war games that emulate the weaponry and situations of that time, I think the idea of a game based on the ukraine-russia war is not inherently bad on its own, like how people here are suggesting, but can be exploited as such depending on how the game is pulled off, from what @YourGuyCash is posting, it seems he just wants to make a modern warfare game set in this particular war, which wouldn’t be of foul intent or harm in any way.

if we spent all our time scooting around sensitive content, we’d never get anywhere, as @YourGuyCash clarified later, the entire concept of the idea just involved namedropping the countries, without bringing up any battles, torment, or the like, it’d be basically the same as running a custom ARMA 3 server with russia v ukraine factions, so it wouldnt even breach your fears of “turning trauma into a shooter game” because the most relation to the war itself would be the patches on the soldiers uniform.

Overall with the idea of the game, I think it would be wise to remove the mentions of the countries by name, but only because roblox moderation is so stingy around this type of content, not because its inherently bad in any way.

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this sums it up very well, props to you for this, ill consider continuing the game with just removing the flags and mentions of any country names, i totally agree with you

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These things happened many many years ago, there’s nothing wrong with creating content on war in a respectful manner but doing it on CURRENT events is kinda of weird lol is not that hard to understand people are still being affected by this and it’s very insensitive to those people RIGHT NOW. I would be pretty upset if I was going through some traumatic experiences and saw some poopy Roblox experience covering the war that I am CURRENTLY living through.

vietnamese war veterans aren’t affected no more? neither cold war veterans? or how about middle eastern veterans? and plus if you took 5 minutes of your day to read the replies it doesn’t recreate any real cities, scenarios or events, just the country names like factions, so that isn’t necessarily currently happening to anyone, its just a modern war game set in these particular countries

These veterans barely know what the internet is lol, it still doesn’t take away from the fact that people are going through this RIGHT NOW. It doesn’t need to recreate the conflict if you are literally using the country flags xd

well with that logic i doubt victims of the ukraine-russian war are on roblox either?

??? Many people have left the country to escape the wars lol not everyone is INSIDE of ukraine and you don’t have to be inside of the country to be affected by the war? Peoples relatives, families are dying, right NOW. These veterans are all above 60+ with problems far worse than seeing a Roblox or game based on these events, which they will most likely never see in the first place. Regardless, I wouldn’t use the flags of the actual countries and its pretty weird to even think about doing this xd end of the discussion

“end of discussion” lol says the one that brought it back up as we finished the convo