Russia v ukraine conflict game, how should i not get banned?

you can set it in future or 90s, slightly or fully change flags, set the conflict in slavic region countries, add custom lore, add your own depressing buildings here (to add khrushevkas gray feeling) like rainworld buildings

you can compare block of flats (krushevkas) to Humant colony lol which makes street fights more suppressing

For developer

A little bit of history: The POST SOVIET countries has a feeling of ancient civillization which on its way to progress died/collapsed and got erased by some unexpected events and now all these buildings, people, technology is just remnants of something greater, thats what made 90s depressing and also started a age of tons of conflicts and it still continues on which getting support by the worst human sins

Gl with game, i hope you wont attract there toxic players, cause all this stuff is such rabbit hole


i appreciate the actual advice lol, thank you

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yeah i edited it rn, but i hope it helps you on your way, with your game

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for example elevator rpgs intro is also interesting and reminds me of post ussr country region, with their lobby map (prob referencing to metro books if im not wrong)

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real life conflicts set recently are very much against the terms of service

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