Sale! 100 robux for professional gfx render!

Here is me referencing it to a friend:
We were talking about two things at the same time ^^^

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I AM BOOKED ON FREE ONES! After I complete the next 2 they will be 50 robux each. That commision will go up tommorow!

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Thanks, dude! That’s amazing. So detailed! :slight_smile:

Edit: Wondering if you could also send the .blend file please? :wink:

Full credits given.

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GrinchGFX.blend (1.3 MB)

Here you go! Glad you liked it!

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awesome! thanks a bunch, looks sweet

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Thank you soo much!! I love it!

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I’m open again! I have 10 spots available at 20 robux! After 10 get filled, the commision will close and the price will change! So be quick!

If I had 50 Robux, I would buy a second one. Your renders are amazing. I’ll try earn some robux via premium payouts to get a new one in the future maybe?

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really? No-one has come to get one for 50 R$? I better go tell some more friends.

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Awesome service, took him less than a day! 100% will recommend it!

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