Sarichia, a Roblox showcase

Sarichia is a roblox showcase in an attempt to push roblox to it’s limits, I currently have spent around almost a week on it. I’m currently still working on it just wanting to see what you guys think to it.

  • Everything was made in studio except the tree’s and foliage -

You can either watch the little video I made for it.

Play the game for yourself - NOT OPTIMISED

You can also look at some in-game pictures I took.


Want to hire me? Check out my portfolio.


Very nice looking from the video.

Things I liked include the use of sun rays affect and some of the structures look great, very nice building and video.

Best showcase I have seen all year, if you could optimize it for pc then I would love to walk around the showcase.

Well done!

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Appreciate the kind words, currently working on the optimisation as it’s very heavy demanding on both the gpu and memory side of things. But yeah I’ll get to optimising when I can.

Ok no need to rush I do see from the video that it can be very demanding on the gpu and cpu. If you do manage to optimize it please let me know.

We need more creations like this on roblox, Thanks for building an brilliant build which I look forward to seeing in the future!

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