Satchel // Open-source modern backpack system

Not sure if this has been mentioned before, but there is a small chance that Satchel won’t load due to some issue with TopBarPlus not loading/being indentified. As such, Satchel does not load at all, and players of my game cannot access their inventory…

Again, rare bug, and it’s fixed by rejoining, but not ideal.

I do not have a screenshot at this time, I will be on the lookout for it and try to get you one.

The topbarplus is outdated… It looks terrible with the new topbar.

Does your experience have it’s own version of TopbarPlus? If Satchel detects the TopbarPlus module in your experience it will use that instead of its bundled version of TopbarPlus.

Currently I’m working on migrating from TopbarPlus v2 to TopbarPlus v3 which will solve some issues.

A screenshot of the top bar errors in the Developer Console would be helpful.

Yes, we are aware that the top bar is outdated but we have a fix already which uses UIShelf. Unfortunately it has just been discontinued this month so we have to delay the new topbar until I find time to update to TopbarPlus v3.

Please view the below for more context.


Any update on the timing of a full release?

Does it save Tool slot positions?

They are a lot of changes in 1.3.0 so I want to make sure that everything works and is stable. We support mobile, desktop, console, and VR so testing isn’t exactly the easiest. Expect a release candidate for 1.3.0 over the summer.

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No, Satchel doesn’t support saving tool positions but ways of doing so with the default backpack should work with Satchel.

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Do you have any sources that you have or examples that you can find on the forum? I can’t seem to find any.

Btw the docs site doesn’t work.

The docs site seems to be working for me. Could you message me the issue you’re having with it?

Can you answer this too?

Apparently there is no definite way to save tools using the default Roblox backpack. I thought you could do that since I’ve seen a few experiences do that.

I will look into adding that functionality in the future but not for 1.3.0. I eventually plan to completely rewrite Satchel at some point once I finish adding development improvements.

Currently Satchel is a 2000 line backpack system all in one script which makes maintaining hard. Satchel is based on the Roblox backpack which first appeared in 2015 so the code is pretty poor but I’m very happy with how far Satchel went.

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I see, yeah it’s very complicated for some reason smh.

Also, I think your github file is outdated because it’s pretty buggy.

In the playground place, the icon for the top bar looks a bit weird.

The GitHub contains unstable builds so bugs are expected. The main branch is relatively stable for me, could you message me the bugs you are experiencing?

The playground contains unstable builds of Satchel and shouldn’t be used. The topbar issue has been fixed or should be if you’re using the GitHub repository to source Satchel.

If you want an example of what can be done by modifying the default backpack go to This place I’ve quite heavily modified it.

Do you think you’d ever make it so the tool slot outline can be more custom and work with ImageLabels? Like say I don’t like the simplistic Roblox tool slot outline that appears when you equip a tool, and instead want to have something like this:


When you equip the tool the border changes from grey to another color too and the slot’s ui increases in size a little using tween and goes back to normal when you’re no longer equipping a tool. You should do something like this that involves ImageLabels, it would make tool slots far more interesting and stand out. Please let me know!

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Adding support for very specific cases like these aren’t what Satchel is for. It would be better if you were to implement your own backpack system in this case. Satchel is supposed to be a modern alternative to the outdated backpack system like how Text Chat Service is to Legacy Chat System.

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for some reason it returns these errors
(took it from the creator marketplace, put it in starterplayerscripts like it said, haven’t done anything with it, just inserted it)