Say "Hello" to Display Names!

I would love if I could hide my previous usernames

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Cool update, but what about games that require you to enter a players plr.Name, like admin scripts or hand-to GUI’s? Seems kind of inefficient to have to redo all of your code, and if theres multiple with the same displayName, how can we pick w/o going to the leaderboard and clicking both names to view the avatar… Overall decent update, but I see a lot of flaws.


hopefully there’s plans to counter impersonation, i get having an @ but i don’t want to see people using someone’s username as their display and faking in game screenshots, or saying rude things in the chat.

i dont like this; what happened to changing your username? what about impersonation?
we already have usernames so why the hell is this a necessary change??

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I can’t help but feel that this rollout will be patchy, because a lot of games are sporadically-maintained or otherwise will never get updates again. Even parts of Roblox’s own software may not be updated to account for this change for a very long time. This means we’ll probably be stuck seeing usernames every so often.

This is a mind-bogglingly big change. For everyone’s convenience, can you guys at least display usernames in gray near the display name in this pattern. Even in the in-game player list, I’d like to see this without clicking through. There’s enough space to add another text row in each tile for a username given the list was padded a few years ago.


As a side request, can you add me to the verified devs list so my original username doesn’t get copied?

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This feature seems really cool and unique to ROBLOX. Im just worried about people impersonating big ROBLOX developers, youtubers. Im sure it will be sorted out before its rolled out to all, Looking forward to it!

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I think its cool, but i think this feature need to be moderated, because for example one scammer can put “Roblox” on their display username and scam ppl.

It is happening. Be sure all of the names will be seen by moderation

I’m pretty sure all that is connected through Usernames still.

Can we put other characters in the Display Names, like ø or š, “aesthetic”?

Yeah as exciting as this may be I have to agree with most of the comments here - this update is probably more harmful. If a game requires display names for roleplaying they can implement that, and while the update would help those games, it can make it hard to identify players in other games, as well as make it easier to impersonate. I wouldn’t want someone joining the game with my username as their display name.


If you mean impersonation of YouTubers, I think they will still have the icon next to their name if there apart of the star program.

What will be the purpose of this?

I can list 2 downsides:

  1. Multiple people with the same name.

  2. Impersonation.

The above 2 could lead to terrible consequences, this seems as if it will be harmful.

There’s already systems for that.

I’m pretty unhappy with this change from a technical and Clanning standpoint.

I want to outright disable the usage of this in my own places. Having this update Forced instead of opt-in via Game Settings in Studio makes enforcing rules in relation to kicking multiple people who are impersonating the same user much much harder. The change means players can have whatever name they want but it also makes enforcing game-specific rules much harder and can lead to punishments being incorrectly placed on innocent indiviudals.

Please ROBLOX, Make this an OPT-IN feature that the Developers can control the usage of in place of a FORCED update that troubles groups and games with specific rules.


Is there no way to disable this?

As a game developer I do NOT want to implement this feature.

While many are happy, and I’m also glad this exists, it should be opt in.


What will be done to prevent impersonation? Are we gonna get verified accounts? Anyone will now be able to be shown as mrflimflam or DenisDaily, unless we click on their name in the player-list and read the small, grey text under their Display Name text. I don’t think Display Names are a bad thing, I just don’t like it being the main name now. Can’t we get the Display Name and username on their nametag? Can’t we have something like: Display Name (@username): Message. in chat? I think that if the the Display Name will be added instead of replacing the Username, we can enjoy the Display Name and still recognize their actual identity.

Knowing roblox they most likely did not add an option for developers. If they did they would have listed it.


I guess I will crawl around the source and pull it out as needed in my games until I vanquish it. Wonderful indeed.


I feel like the update has been made SOLELY with the Roleplaying crowd in mind.

It’s going to be very hard making the systems that basically disable this functionality ourselves unless ROBLOX give us that direct option to do so.

All this does for any other games is make rule enforcement harder for developers and high-ranks in groups. The benefits this system would have is just a system that replaces Roleplaying Name GUIs in Roleplaying games. Other than that, it’s pretty damn annoying to see I have to either forcibly accept this change OR constantly write my own custom Core GUI replacements in order to get rid of this feature entirely. It’s a disappointment that ROBLOX has taken to forcing features on all genres that are only desirable to a handful of genres at most.

We shouldn’t have to write custom systems to disable features like this. This really should be at the discretion of the developer(s) to enable or disable based on their preferences within the Game Settings.

TL;DR - Please amend this update to be Opt-in instead of requesting us to adapt to systems that outright go against our own games’ rulesets and only lead to impersonation as well as obstruction of rule enforcement.