Using Player ID’s can work so I don’t see the problem, this is also a rare scenario so I wouldn’t think it would happen, the only scenario that can actually happen is the exploiter changing their nickname to others, so it would be only 1 fake and 1 real
i can already sense someone trying to bypass this already. But Overall its seems cool.
How? This will be Player.DisplayName not Player.Name.
Will this be limited to alphanumeric characters?
Second life display names let you use fantastic characters to make usernames like this:
And i am wondering if we will get access to making pretty/cool usernames like that or just normal usernames.
Wouldn’t this allow people to change their name to ex; “newfissy”, and then trick little children who are unaware of this change to get scammed/tricked?
Will we be able to have special characters such as spaces in our display names like twitter?
Well the name sniping community will definitely suffer due to this update. However I am happy I can finally get the name Over.
If you want to see what it looks like on the currently enabled GUIs:
And no, I’m not able to change it from LuaHashmap+DN, I’m guessing thats what the DebugDisplayName fflag does or whatever
exists in chat aswell: required changing a setting in the chatsettings module so enjoy forking your chat for something pointless
I’m currently very excited to see this feature in action, but I am wondering about the potential malicious uses by bad actors. Could a, bot for example, set their display name to something like “Builderman” and proceed to scam users? Or is there / will there be protections in place to ensure this doesn’t happen?
(such as a blacklist of popular developers / influencers’ names that can’t be used as display names except for the famous user)
I’m all for supporting more username choices for users (the current system is rather limiting) but I am wondering if the proper care has been taken with the protection of users in mind, or that it’s addressed at some point during the rollout of the system.
I use Player.DisplayName and I agree with him this can be a bad problem
This sounds like it could be a really cool feature! Other than people impersonating people, everything should be fine. And anyone will be able to tell if someone is impersonating someone buy just checking their username. Great feature!
For the impersonation, I think a solution to counter that is to make a script that display both username and display name overhead and in playerlist. It might help but for the website, I don’t know what will it look like honestly.
This is gonna be so big! I can’t wait for this to arrive over the next few months, the thing I’m worried about is impersonating and bypassing to use curse words as names. Do you have a plan for one of these?
Probably due to the fact that people could attempt to impersonate famous players and constantly change their display name or could be the same reasons why changing your username costs 1K robux
I feel like adding this will just make the purpose of paying 1k to change your name or have a rare username fall into obscurity. And a lot more generic names will just fall out. Your old names say a lot about when you first made your account mine being “dandmine” because I liked DanTDM and minecraft others not so much but your username is quite unique
To prevent spam and impersonation. Basically, changing it for a quick joke isn’t too feasible, which is how things should be. 7 days is more than generous.
Please don’t let people use emojis in their display names It will ruin the look of any game with a nice GUI.
nope it will still happen I am pretty sure since it doesn’t change the actual name or hide the actual name
This will be fun to experiment leaderboard wise, perhaps have a small tag underneath the display username with an @username
If it were less than a week people would constantly change display names and identity’s.