Say "Hello" to Display Names!

You should of only been using DIsplayName when displaying the name to players, never for game logic. (You should of only been using UserId for game logic anyways)

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Definitely true. Depends on how this will be rolled out. If the right precautions are taken, this can go very well.

How did you know of my plans to impersonate you :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

OMG Roblox even thought of this issue??? So now if I were to try to impersonate you someone could probably pretty easily check if I was actually you…

My whole plan is ruined :sob: :sob:


Exciting! However this does raise concerns about impersonation, especially because roblox’s younger player base can be impressionable. I’m not only worried about impersonating with an intent to cause harm on someone’s image or to create conflict, but someone using the name of a well known community member or developer to gain trust/power over players.


I think stuff like Builderman/Roblox or admin names will be filtered. If this is not the case yes this would be bad.

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This is a pretty cool update if I say so myself, however this could affect the roblox community greatly; I can already see people passing themselves as roblox admins asking for your personal data, items, and even password. This will make it easier to social engineer your way into accounts; Targeting young children who do not know any better.
Perhaps having something to differentiate between the two could be very helpful, for example; “Roblox, aka David Bazsucki”
BUT this will definitely lower the demand of buying and selling rare users.

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I’m ready to say “Hello” to all of the spam bots that join front page games under the display names “ROBLOX”, “Shedletsky”, etc

In all seriousness, the only way I see this being a good idea is if there is some way to prevent impersonation of admins, lest we have to start making custom leaderboards to do it ourselves. Anyone who trusts regular roblox users to distinguish an imposter from the real thing has their trust gravely misplaced.

Edit: I feel like roblox is having an identity crisis on whether or not it wants to be a game, a platform/engine, or a social media site. I’ve expressed before that I’m always excited for engine updates but most non-engine updates have been big turn-offs for me. It’s probably not too long until they add a “Stories” feature like all other big social media outlets.


I have some concerns about impersonations as some of them stated earlier but regardless of that, I’m so excited for this feature to come out.

A few questions:

Does Player.Name return a name now proceeded with an “@” or will nothing change with what it currently returns?

Will DisplayName have character restrictions like no spaces and no punctuation? (etc…) Nothing of the sorts are currently listed in the limitations. If players are able to add certain characters it might pose a problem for implementation of this feature.

My biggest worry is people now being able to create ganes in my name. Will game/group/asset ownership still show the Username rather than the display name? Otherwise I could just make my own AdoptMe and change my name to DreamCraft and nobody will be able to easily tell the difference.

All in all this update will be a big change and idk how I feel about it. I need these questions answered first.


I’m not a fan of this update honestly. i don’t really see the reason why implementing such feature really. i get that you guys are trying to push players to free rely pick their names. but this has quite some downsides. especially with impersonations.

Scams are gonna be a disaster with this. and like ingame botted impersionations has existed for a while but this time REAL players will be able to lure kids outside their games using some other game like piggy or adopt me. this is worrying.

another thing is that what if a player lets say uses another person’s name as a display name and exploits ingame. what if the wrong person gets banned for accidentally banning his username instead of display ? (this can oftenly happen because KEEP IN MIND that some developers has discord servers with channels specifically for exploit reports.) this is just worrying and i hope you guys got stuff planned out for this.

other then that i hope the update does well. i just don’t have a good feeling about this release


I still feel like the original username should be available somewhere. It seems too convenient for malicious users to impersonate basically everyone. Will players be able to continue to report the correct player for malicious actions? What happens if someone has the same display name as someone else? How can a normal player identify someone who has a completely different display name?

There still needs to be a lot of work done in this department. This is a cool concept on paper but make sure that some of the common key points listed in this thread are addressed.


Yes, Finally I was about to ask for this and here it is. I personal regret my name. Now instead of spending 1000 roblux or whatever. I can change it for free.

One question I have are you allowed to have the same Display Name as someone or your display name be the same of someones Username.

Thank You

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You can’t change the past, almost every script uses DisplayName there is no actual use for UserID Until now


Easy solution for people who are worried about impersonation. The real owner of a name should have a special color on their name so the whole server is aware that it’s not a display name.


Interesting feature, although it concerns me how people could perhaps use this feature to impersonate others. Any thoughts on that?


Are there plans to add ways to disable Display Names for games that it would otherwise get in the way of? I know quite a few games that already use ingame Custom Display Names that I fear it would conflict with if forced on.

Impersonation also sounds like it be an issue… Hopefully that gets touched on soon.

Interesting feature though!


is this optional for games to implement? I hope more detail comes out regarding this.

it seems like an open door for impersonation, and based on what I’ve seen so far, there’s no way to tell if someone has their display name showing vs. their true username in the leaderboard or in chat, UNLESS you click on their name in the leaderboard. display names should be marked with something obvious so you know that it’s their display name, and not the actual “asimo3089” joining your game.


It’s a pretty nice feature but… what will be done to prevent impersonation? there are tons of users who might take advantage of these in a malicious manner, like impersonating reputable community members, roblox staff… it’s pretty risky.

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Long days of having rare Usernames have gone!

Jokes aside, It kinda reminds me of the Twitter system with names, but I do have some question:

  • On the website, are we gonna see display names or regular usernames?
  • Wouldn’t those cause problems of people pretending to be someone else for bad intentions?
  • Will the display names and @Usernames will be used for any upcoming features (if there is)?
    (Eg. Mentioning someone @ in the that to get their attention if chat is closed by showing a certain Icon…)

Anyway, I am really curious how this will goes.
Great update!

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Impersonation honestly will be a problem but i think that in the chat it should look like this DisplayName(@username) or something like that, and we should be able to search people ONLY by their username.

But honestly this is a great update atleast for me.

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