Say "Hello" to Display Names!

I just said it- But here again…

Nope, no ban. The first time Display Names came out (which was like a few months ago), I set mines for Zuki. I didn’t get a warning nor ban because of the display name.

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I already test it using VPN,but after I press play button the roblox screen didnt show up

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I like it and don’t like it at the same time, because users can use the display name and changes there character to look like someone there not like Kreek, I have seen a lot of people doing that recently and it isn’t fun cause little kids can get the wrong idea of who that person is, which can possibly lead to hacking in someone’s account or scamming. Hopefully roblox does something about that.

You can’t play roblox using a VPN in germany, turn it off when your playing a roblox game. I said it already lol

I have this too, I don’t know if it’s because of where I live (Canada) or it’s really part of the Wednesday weekly updates for everyone.

If someone used it. What if your display name will be moderated? Will you have ######### or just it won’t change?

I think they made a blacklist and it will say user not appropriate just like changing your users but if you want you can use the VPN @Skreexlz used and try it yourself.

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Really hoping this occurs sometime soon, saw someone today with the exact same name as another person in a game community. Made for a very confusing time

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I’m asking because I have an old account named just NORXND and I would like to set my display name to that. I will think about VPN but…Roblox won’t mind?

Nah, it going to be fine, I use the VPN to use display name, and now my display name is uwu, lol

Wait, how could other languages like Chinese be offensive? I’m pretty sure other languages like Chinese are also filtered, and I’m still scratching my head as to why Roblox would only support Chinese and remove it later.

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Sorry for not notice it,I change my display name to NoobDev!Ty

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I got an display name very cool roblox lol.

Wait, can you still change your Display name? Because I can’t see it in settings.

Very wary of this being used to impersonate staff members and other prominent members of the Roblox community.


Yes you can, as I said in the post earlier you get zenmate, set it to germany, turn it on and it should be there…

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Been a fan since you did minecraft-

Off topic aside, I’m sure roblox has implemented a filter against staff names in order to curb impersonation, but I don’t think they covered all forms of bypassing their filters, so we may only know within this small beta period before this goes fully public.

How is this feature being rolled out? Is it through A B selection or is it only accessible to certain people from certain countries?

It’s 60% out, so most likely it will come out to everyone soon enough, at this moment you will have to use a VPN to access this update unfortunately.

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