Say "Hello" to Display Names!

To be honest, in the realm of QOL; think about the users who have OG names they sniped when the game first came out, or other things that bog down this update. When I say it doesn’t bring much functionality, I mean that it doesn’t do more great then it does harm. But yes this is very subjective as proven.

No, it just means it might contain some of them. (Probably not control characters)

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I understand that benefits and negatives to adding this feature.
How will small creators easily manage to ban/kick people from their game if it’s needed?
What about the increased level of impersonation on the platform?

Hopefully this is a togglable option, just like R6 & R15 on games; set by the developer. This would be the easiest and smoothest to approach to fixing the problem from my perspective. I’d like to hear other people’s feedback if I’m wrong!


Can I test this out in game yet? If so, how?

I agree, Roblox should definitely make a system where they possibly reset the players username after a certain period of time (years) after being inactive.

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Nono, by Verified Developer I meant known and trustworthy developers having some sort of icon on their profile to verify that they are indeed the real developer. For example if someone was impersonating Asimo (the jailbreak dev) then people would know because he’d have a verified icon on his known profile.


In my opinion, making a few unique names not unique and hurting a handful of players that sniped several of them is a small sacrifice for allowing most of the playerbase to use the names they want.

I’d say having a good username is still pretty valuable, as it makes your account appear legitimate and trustworthy.

If 2 people were offering to trade with you, which one would appear more trustworthy?
Duck (@FireManCoolLol9999)
Duck (@Jrelvas)


Oh yeah, I totally forgot about how it costs 1000 robux a-pop to change your username. Will anything be done about this? I think it would be awesome to see username changes refunded granted they’ll be nothing more than a twitter handle after this update ships. That likely won’t happen, but it’s a nice thought.

I’d like to re-iterate where I said “Anyone who trusts regular roblox users to distinguish an imposter from the real thing has their trust gravely misplaced.” Until roblox states that there will be a way to circumvent this we can only assume that there are currently no protections to be put in place for impersonation.

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The answer to this may be obvious to some, but my question is, if a display name happens to get filtered, will we be alerted and able to change it immediately, or will we have to wait one week?

As a side note, this sounds like a very intriguing update, and I look forward to it rolling out to all users.

maybe they should both of our ideas, would be really great to stop people from faking their identity :+1:

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Sounds very good for making custom display names for chat when coding a story game that features the main protagonist. However, a complaint would be the fact that people could impersonate someone else to fool other users around. I’m expecting the filter to prevent that from happening. Nevertheless, I’m still obsessed with the new feature coming.


It is pretty obvious that this feature is going to eventually become weaponized at some point. I just wonder how many people are going to be dragged into the dirt because of this feature before Roblox realizes that maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to let people openly impersonate others.

This is something I’ve been wanting for a long time and I’m so glad to hear that it’s finally gonna start rolling out. I always wanted to get rid of the end numbers/letters I have in my name but wasn’t able to because someone sniped my name. Thanks for making this dream feature a reality!

This seems like an interesting and wonderfully personalized feature although as many have noted; the concerns of how impersonation of developers, staff and general Roblox users will be tackled?

I have the following queries/concerns:

  • Will more than one user be able to have the same display name? If so- how will we differentiate two users with the same name if you want to report/friend someone?

  • Will users be able to choose display names of existing usernames?

  • Are special characters/emoji’s allowed to be used in the display name? If so how will we search for usernames with a display name on the Roblox website?

  • Is there going to be a way to identify if a user has a display name equipped? (Perhaps an Italics name/colour variant to show that they are using a display name)

  • Maximum/Minimum characters plausible for display names?

Hoping to hear more about the planned measures to reduce the abuse of the feature, otherwise it seems like a potentially wonderful idea to further enhance user personalization. :happy1:

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Will there be an option to toggle display names on and off in game? Or have the option to see their actual username when you click on their name on the leaderboard?


The original post states that more than one person can have the same Display Name.

Yes, that’s the whole point of displaynames, to allow multiple players to have the same name.

Yes, DisplayNames are meant to have priority over usernames.

As shown before in this thread, CoreGui will start displaying users as Display Name (@Username). A similar system to twitter.

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This seems like a great concept but a huge problem. I can already see bots naming themselves after Roblox admins, famous youtubers, and famous developers. It should cost 250-500 robux to change your display name. That would probably stop the bots.

This is either going to be revolutionary or fail terribly. Yes, there are benefits such as being able to use usernames taken by unused accounts. However, how do you plan on handling impersonation? This could also lead to people using bypassed/inappropriate names.

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It probably won’t let you change it at all unless you type in an appropriate name.

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