As a player, it is not possible for me to wear certain categories of accessories without them being distorted by games with different body scales. Currently only accessories attached to the head (hat, hair, face) are scaled with the character, while others are not:
Why is this a feature request instead of a bug report? I suspect this functionality was intentionally left out since the body has multiple scales. What do we do when someone has a 10x wide torso, but 1x on other axes? Do we scale a back accessory to 10x on all axes?
We can’t scale the meshes on individual axes because they’re SpecialMeshes – not MeshParts. We would either have to convert accessories to MeshParts or attempt to cleverly scale SpecialMeshes (e.g. average of body scales)
If Roblox is able to address your issue, how would it improve your game and/or your development experience? Please be as specific as possible.
If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would allow me to wear my preferred accessories in games that change the character’s body scale without looking hideous. Granted, the 10x scale used in the earlier example is a little extreme, but this is even a problem with smaller scales. See how the pendant is gone and the tail is clipping through the legs:
Some games like Field of Battle which is used in the current event have slightly bigger bosses around this size to make them seem more imposing. If a game has player bosses, they might scale them like this. An RP game with player-giants might have similar scale as well.