School with ~1800 parts, how to optimize?


My team built a low poly school out of around 1800 combined meshes and parts. Meshes are all low poly, while we’ve also reduced union usage as much as possible.

But for some reason, it lags heavily. When turned camera away from the school, it’s perfectly smooth. Once the camera faces the school, frame rates drop significantly.

Can someone please help fix this? I understand that converting everything to meshes may help, but from what I know 1800 parts isn’t an insane amount despite being a decent amount.


whats the triangle count in ur game

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no idea, I know it’s not high though. The majority is just Baseparts.

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nvm, turns out one of our devs had 40k triangles in one damn chair lmao
I thought it was optimized but guess he/she didnt do it lol


I kind of still want to know the answer to this. I’m making an airbus game with like 40k parts and I would love some optimization

40k parts is a lot.
One thing I’d suggest you research is streaming enabled.
Another thing is just converting parts to meshes when possible.

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