Scooter Skatepark I Feedback

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I can see some improvements being made to your skatepark looks pretty nice at the start! Maybe add two or one small ramp somewhere around in the area.

Well, there has been some sort of shop inside the park? Like around the area so players could purchase new equipment maybe have it connected to the mountains or somewhere in an open area. The lighting looks alright, maybe tone down the blur or bloom effect, so it could have a more natural feel to it. Like I said before, the only thing that I’ll recommend placing on your ramps is a metal plate at the bottom you’ll normally see these visiting skate parks around different areas around the world.

I think it’s pretty well put together, however, since the area is quite small well there be more space around the park since when people join it’ll probably be too small and cluttered if you know what I mean.The build looks great.

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those chill graphics are a bit too much, the skybox just looks like pure neon, it might hurt some eyes

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