SCP LCZ Hallways

I am currently developing an SCP game (after a break) and I have made another design for the hallways, which I am finally quite satisfied with. I still need some feedback as improvements can be made, but I feel this is going to be the base of the light containment zone’s hallways.

Image below:

Please tell me what you think about it, and what can be changed/added.

Feedback is highly appreciated.

NOTE: The hallway is only a segment which will be used to build many variations such as intersections. Therefore, please do not post feedback such as “make the end of the hallway”. Thank you.


I really find the walls cool, but you should try to make the light structure a bit more “realistic” instead of just being a neon block glowing. In the roof, you can try to make some “wires” like in SCP: Roleplay’s roof.
Also, in “Lighting” you can change the “Technology” property into “Future”. It will look realistic besides being tricky for weak PCs. You should also try to mess up with “EnvironmentSpeed” property.

But yes, it’s looking really good for a hallway. Keep up the nice job!


I really like the design of the walls, however I think you should try and add some more detail to the roof as it looks a bit bland, you could also change the lighting a little by maybe adding a slight blue or yellow tint to the light.

Overall, good job! Looking great so far.

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To me it feels like a mix of LCZ from Containment Breach, and LCZ from Secret Lab. Looks cool. Should add a label saying ‘LCZ’ where once in a while in case someone gets confused about what zone they are in.

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@CrystalCHK I agree with that, I will try to make some different lamps. Lighting is already on future, and I will try doing things with EnvironmentSpeed.

@Phyy_II I will try to add stuff to the roof, as the aforementioned lamp redesign or some pipes. I might try changing the light tint too.

@MCWither_Storm This hallway wasn’t really made using any images or reference games, I just randomly thought of something like this and here it is! I will do the label as you said.

Thank you all for the feedback, I really appreciate it. When I am done implementing these features I will show you the result. Once I am done, I might try to make hallways for the other zones.


I have applied the suggestions, here’s the result!


Applied changes:
-New lamp model
-Roof is now made out of wedges
-Lights now have blue tint
-Instead of label, added a map (will add a bar with zone name soon)
-Changed time to night so lights don’t interfere with sunlight

I hope you enjoy this, however if anything is wrong/missing in your opinion, feel free to leave a reply.


That’s actually better! I wait for you to do some more stuff for us to give more feedback. Good work mate. :wink:


Thanks for the feedback! I appreciate it! The next will probably be moderate containment zone (yeah, i’m making it) or more LCZ hallway variants and rooms.


Try to fix the lighting, and I feel that the roof is really basic. I whipped up a quick example, for you to see how I think you could improve it:

(Lighting and Roof Improvement)


While that roof is great, I do feel that it would be more suitable for HCZ hallways, these are LCZ. I will however, try to experiment with roofs and show you. For the lighting, what would you suggest?

Thanks for the honest feedback.


Shadowmap is great, because future just doesn’t really fit the style for SCPF.


Alright, here’s the updated version

-Lighting Technology is now ShadowMap
-Lights are now hanging
-Some parts are now concrete to remove sci-fi look
-Removed pipes from roof

I feel like this roof is alright for LCZ, I’ll probably implement the previously mentioned look in HCZ though.

I will possibly change this roof if I get an idea for it.

If I missed something or something can be improved, please mention it.


That already looks much better, although I think you can do a bit better to bring in the real edge atmosphere that you need.


When I finish making the map, I’ll mess around with lighting, atmosphere and that stuff. Thanks.


Medium Containment Zone:

The ones left are:
HCZ (Heavy Containment Zone)
EZ (Entrance Zone) ← [Might Rename]
Possible secondary zones, such as Security Wing or Office Wing

All feedback is appreciated.