Screen Sharing!

While this is a cool thing, yes, this breaks the ToS as it bypasses Roblox’s image moderation. This script can efficiently be run on a web host to run in a live-game. Be careful as this post may get taken down.


Did you reply to the wrong person?

I think you should reply to the OP but other than that I agree

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Yeah oops, sorry about that.


This is amazing!
I know its against roblox TOS but does anyone have any idea on if its allowed for a youtube (for education purposes obviously and tested offline)


Are you sure that you input the correct IP:Port in the RequestManager script,
on line 12?

Since the only other mention of “Request denied” I could find online was from trying to request a blacklisted IP

i did
local HTTPAdress = ""
but how am i able to stream in game?

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Try running the python script:
I’ve also added a how to use section to this, to help people

tell me if you have any other problems if this one has been resolved


the script is going like it should(i think). and it works fine in studio, but not in game

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OH, I understand now.

You cannot have your local IP, while in game. You will either need to port forward or use a service such as

Port Forwarding:

I recommend using over things such as ngrok since they have a much more helpful server and offer more over ngrok

After you’ve port forwarded or used a service such as you will need to change the HTTPAdress variable to that IP

If you feel like this is unsafe you can check the script content yourself and see that it is only being used to get your screen for Roblox


Roblox is literally releasing a dynamic image, how is this any different besides being made out of meshes instead of a vector image like the new dynamic image instance will be?

If Roblox is going to release the dynamic image, what is the problem with this?


i assume you mean “videos”

The difference is that yours is completely UNMODERATED.
this means that you can stream a ton of innapropiate websites without being flagged by moderation.

Videos on the otherhand are moderated (i assume), and have a fee while you’res doesn’t.

(fees decrease the probability of someone abusing this feature)


Nope, never mentioned videos here.

I’m talking about a new feature that they’re working on that you can already try out in the mod manager

This was talked about in RDC 2023 along side with a dynamic mesh

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Can you give me an example please?

I’m talking about a new feature that they’re working on that you can already try out in the mod manager

You can get the mod manager at: GitHub - MaximumADHD/Roblox-Studio-Mod-Manager: An open-source custom bootstrapper for Roblox Studio that allows you to override files in Roblox Studio's directory, opt into development branches of Roblox, and experiment with Fast Flags.

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i meant an example (a video or just text explaining how it works) not giving me a file to Mod Manager’s download

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I don’t think you understand. OP wanted to release this as a project or creation for players to try. It’s not to be advertized.

You’re overreacting, stop it.

Regardless if the OP wants to release this as a project or creation for players to try, it still violates roblox ToS. You can’t just make an innapropiate model and then just release it for players to “try”

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It’s not even a model, this relies on the actual host and the chances of having this ran by multiple players is very slim as it will crash.

I’ll give you a outline on how this works.

Run a python script which screenshots your screen and outputs the data of RGB values in a JSON format.
Render those RGB values on a grid of parts

Also dynamic image is basically a new class which allows you to draw a canvas. You can place pixels and this would allow for people to make drawing systems. This isn’t much different to a basic grid of parts, you can abuse either the same way.