UPDATE: March 25, 2025
Hi Creators,
Starting today, you can now see your and your collaborators’ script draft commits logged inside Activity History in Studio! Commits of one or more scripts can bring big changes to your place, and knowing when and who committed the scripts can help creator teams debug issues or review changes more easily. This workflow enhancement enables you to easily see which scripts changed in each commit and who changed them.
We are continuing to add more activities and events into Activity History to provide a more detailed and powerful tracking tool for creator teams. Let us know in the comments what you would like to see next!
What are Script Draft Commits?
When collaborating using Team Create, scripters have the option to work in Drafts mode, which enables you to edit and test specific scripts in isolation without affecting other collaborators’ live editing in the rest of the workspace. Once you finish drafting a script (or multiple scripts), you commit it to update your place with your script changes.
Drafts mode can be enabled by going to Game Settings > Other, and toggling on the “Enable Drafts Mode” setting.
You can learn more about collaborative scripting options in the documentation.
View Script Draft Commits in Studio Activity History
Drafts mode is only available within a Team Create session. If it is enabled for your place, you will be able to see any commits that you and your collaborators make logged to Activity History.
Open a place in Studio, go to the View tab, and click on “Activity History.”
Note: Your experience first needs to be saved to Roblox to enable logging of activities.If you are in Next Gen Studio beta, you will find it under “Window”.
Open a script (or multiple scripts) and make edits to it. Once you’re done, select the scripts in the View > Drafts widget to commit to the place. You can also leave a commit message that your team can read in Script Version History.
Inside Activity History, you’ll see a new event showing the commit information. Click on the script name to be taken to where it is inside Explorer. You can right-click on a script and navigate to Script Version History to further investigate a script’s history of changes.
You can see the full list of events that are currently tracked in Activity History in documentation.
What’s Next
We continue to evolve Activity History into the source of truth you and your team can use to review development activities. It’ll become more and more powerful as we add new activity types and events. Here’s what we’re working on next:
Enable tracking of Package publish/update activities within a place in Studio Activity History
Packages enable creators to easily push content into multiple places through its update functionalities. We want to make sure changes to a place’s content from package updates are easily tracked across collaborators.
Improved Place Version History & logging in Activity History for both Studio and Creator Hub
Place version history is getting revamped with easier navigation and more features like version notes! Place version change events will be logged inside Activity History in both Studio and Creator Hub.
Onboard more configuration activities to Creator Dashboard Activity History
Our goal is to have complete coverage of all configuration activities in the Creator Dashboard. We will continue to onboard more and more events.
Your feedback really matters in helping the team prioritize features that are the most useful to you! We want to hear more about what activities and events you want to see in Activity History for both Studio and Creator Dashboard. Please leave comments below.
Many thanks to the wonderful team: @s1lly_g00se8, @PixelPlumber, @DoNotBackup, @wingedbreadsticks, @vreddym, @hughtesting, @Tetsuzaemon_Iba2, @SwirlTheNumbers, @Rusi_002, @yipiokay