Activity History in Studio

Hello Creators,

Today, we are launching the Activity History view in Studio! When working as a team, it can be difficult to track who made changes that impact your development work in a place. Activity History is a history log that enables creators in Studio to easily view and react to a shared log of key configuration, publish, and edit activities within the place they’re working on. We are gradually rolling out the feature over the next few weeks, and all Studio users will see the changes by late September.

View Activity History in Studio

When you open a place in Studio, you can go to the View tab and click on “Activity History” to see a list view of activities.

Each activity will show what changed, who performed it, and when. Note: Your experience first needs to be saved to Roblox to enable logging of activities.

When you hover over an event, you will see a “…” menu appear on the right. The actions available depend on the activity. For example, configuration changes will route you to the Creator Dashboard.


Click on the Filter button to filter by event type and the collaborator who performed the actions.


Activity History in Different Contexts

Activity History in Studio helps users react to collaboration activities and configuration changes that impact their development work in Studio. It shows activities scoped to the current place that is open in Studio, with addition of core updates made to the experience the place is part of.

Last year, we launched the Activity History view in the Creator Dashboard. Activity History in Creator Dashboard enables experience owners and managers to audit configuration of their experiences. It is meant to be a complete history of activities in the Creator Dashboard that they can use to investigate concerns. It shows configuration activities scoped to the experience and all sub-places in it.

The activities shown in the two places can differ. Here is the full set of events that are currently supported:

More activity types and events are coming!

We are just getting started. We plan to evolve Activity History into the source of truth you and your team can use to review development activities. It’ll become more and more powerful as we add new activity types and events.

We want to build out Activity History with you! Tell us what activities are important for you to track.

Here’s what we’re working on next:

  • Enable tracking of edit activities within a place in Studio: We want to make it easier for creators to review key editing activities that take place within a place in Studio. We are first prioritizing scripting activities and package publish/update activities.

  • Onboard more configuration activities to Creator Dashboard Activity History: Our goal is to have complete coverage of all configuration activities in the Creator Dashboard. We will continue to onboard more and more events.

  • Activity History for Groups replace Group Audit Log: As part of revamping Groups, Group Audit Log will be replaced with Group Activity History. It’ll log key activities happening within the Group such as role changes and publishing of Group experiences.

We want to hear what kinds of events are important for you to have visibility into for both Studio and Creator Dashboard! And if you have any use cases for sending custom events to Activity History, please let us know your comments and thoughts below.

Many thanks to the wonderful team: @potatoprank, @wingedbreadsticks, @lovedanihonjin, ,@rbx_dert, @Kresselia1, @vreddym, @yipiokay


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This was needed so much! Thank you! But anything new about scripts? Like what was changed? Plus ability to revert without relying on drafts?

Also what about anything new being added to the place? (Like objects)


Logging is a key part to a developers’ workflow, and a group owners and/or staff teams’ workflow - this can deliver real time tracking and notifications via group audit logs or developer activity logs for many of the uncertain aspects of things.

My group, is no stranger to see logging in action. The primarily focus is to make our staff aware incase of an abuse or something got added to the same without anybody knowing or a virus. I’ve been using this method for years, and it has helped me stop a lot of bad actors from ruining my game and reverting back to a save without a virus or something.

With this upcoming change, can we expect a webhook functionality or an API to connect with these logs to be viewed externally and/or on a dashboard?

Some examples of it happening in real-time:

Looks to me Roblox is improving a ton, and I welcome these changes! Thank you to every Roblox Staff that pitched in :heart:


This was a much-needed update, I’m sure a lot of developers will benefit from this, including myself.

Thank you for your hard work.


Was going to ask the same question. Personally I’m unaffected by this update and I don’t expect any workflow changes, but being able to see commits for the whole game instead of individual scripts would be a huge game changer for me.

One of my primary reasons for preferring Git when working with other people is I am able to see what they did while I was gone simply by viewing the commit history. I really hope this is implemented here at some point, it’s the perfect place for it. Kind of a let down it doesn’t have it honestly.


For publishes through Open Cloud with API keys, will it show as the user who created the API key or will it show which API key performed the action? I created a system for my team internally that gives them their own API keys individually but they are managed by an automated account.

This ultimately isn’t a big deal since we can add our own logging for these requests in our tooling, but just wondering what it will look like considering teams probably share the same API key.


This sounds cool - does it mean that we can expect to see script commits in this window in future? This is an important thing for contractors to be able to track.

Does this mean that the entire group audit log will be removed, or only the logs that happen within Studio, such as editing the place version or description? If the audit log is entirely removed, I assume the audit log would redirect to the one on the creator dashboard? Hopefully the “View Audit Log” permission is still enforced so that staff can’t see other parts of the game’s analytics, like they can when they are given the Bans permission currently.

Also, if this is the route Roblox is going down with groups, I’d like to see specific permission controls to see different types of audit logs in the activity history. For example, I don’t want my role changes to be mixed in with my script commits, and I don’t want my group staff to be able to see what scripts I’m committing to potentially get leaks of new updates.


Does activity history in studio only work for users during team create?

  • Activity History for Groups replace Group Audit Log: As part of revamping Groups, Group Audit Log will be replaced with Group Activity History. It’ll log key activities happening within the Group such as role changes and publishing of Group experiences.

this is pretty useful for larger teams :sunglasses::sunglasses:


Is there a reason why this wasn’t included in the new UI?


I would like the option to control who can see the history. If I’m adding a new member on probation, I don’t want to give them that amount of access just yet.


Now this is epic!

Would we be able to see who shutdown or sent message to migrate to latest version as well?


This is such a good update, we should get more detailed group permissions as well (I still can’t create badges with asset creation perms), team create and Roblox collaboration tools definitely need more permissions management and activity logs.


All i need is to be able to undo the last 100 changes ever made to the place and im happy


It would be cool if we have script modification history activity, also for things like changing names of instances or things like that


This is a significant improvement - and I am extremely happy to see the plans laid out for building upon this to provide a significantly improved level of accountability for team projects on the Roblox platform.

Those who have seen it will know what lengths I have spoken to advocate this and similar changes, and it is amazing to see some positive changes emerging and publicly planned that fill several of the gaps that I have explained in what has been available to date - and I am eager to see what comes next.


Lmao I remember when people said that this would be too hard for Roblox to add :skull:


This is exactly what I wanted!


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