Script Editor & Command Bar Improvements!

Yes, this change was intentional to help with differentiation since new syntax highlighting colors are being put into effect but we would love to hear any feedback!


We’re looking into this for future updates!


I was primarily concerned with making the command bar taller and have a larger font, but the idea of a terminal interface sounds cool.

By terminal-interface, do you mean a multi-lined command bar with a run button instead of Enter or literally a terminal? It does sound useful to have a multi-lined command bar because Lua isn’t a very console-related language (it doesn’t even functionalities to take input from it).


I am mutual on this change, as it helps us see the difference between the two but honestly i would like the global methods to have a thick outline again. Would it be possible to make keywords have a different color?

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Thank you! What are some of the deprecated Globals that are being highlighted?


We’re still not sure how it would look like, just happy to hear your feedback in the meantime :slight_smile:


You can customize your keyword colors from Studio Settings → Script Editor → Keywords!


All the old ones.
collectgarbage() — not sure
printidentity() — not sure

The ones with capital letter. They weren’t highlighted before.
I had in my script

local Workspace = game:GetService(“Workspace”)

And Workspace gets highlighted.

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A way to scale the command bar. Sometimes big scripts are put into it, and it glitches out and you can’t see the code at all and you have to copy and paste it out into a different script to adjust it.

Are there any plans for a more in-depth API for plugins to interface with the script editor?

Specifically stuff like these two:

Improvements to the editor are great but being able to add our own functionality would be great.

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I’m running into some weird behaviors:

The second one might be intended, but what about the first thing?
Rough repro for first one is various copy and pasting + autocomplete.


Make the command bar support multi line code? Would be better having it there already instead of using plugins for it.

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Wow, that’s actually pretty nice.

I cannot paste an instance into a script using the Ctrl + Shift + V shortcut anymore. When I single click a script, it now opens the script in preview mode or something and I’m guessing that blocks the paste shortcut. The button in the context menu still works

Mine looks nothing like the thing I want it to be

What I want it to be:

What it is:

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