Script Editor Freezing Studio in Team Create

Hello, after today’s update it seems the problem is back again, It is now extremely slow for me to type in a script once again.

Hello! Some questions for you: What OS, SSD or HDD, Team Create or individual editing, and Collaborative Editing on or off?


I am using Windows 10 and a HDD, team create is enabled, and collaborative editing is off.

I’m using an SSD and this issue is not prevalent when typing normally, but rather if I mash a lot of letters on my keyboard. Studio will just lag behind on the typing and the highlighting of the text by a second or so, not really that big of a deal for me since I don’t type as fast as I mash letters on my keyboard. I’m using Windows 10 in Team Create with no Collaborative Editing. It appears that the script editor waits for the highlighting of the text to finish before the rest of the text is typed, but the highlighting is really slow.

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Update: the fix for this problem is now released. Let me know if anyone else is having this issue!


There has been no change for me. Typing in a script is still significantly more laggy than before the update for me. Before it was flawless and i could type as fast as possible with no issue. Now i have to type slower since the editor is slow and lags behind. Typing anywhere else like in a command bar for example is still fine. It is only in the script editor.

The gif below is me typing in the command bar vs the script editor

I will say though, compared to when the issue first appeared several days ago, it is not as bad as it was originally. Though its still highly annoying and i can imagine typing a full script would not be pleasing now.

The script editor lags badly for me. Detaching from the main studio window fixes the issue. Windows 10 pro x64, 2 1080ti’s, latest nvidia driver.

Also interestingly enough, the entire frame rate bogs down on my PC when the script editor is opened.

Edit: Fixed! For those who are also having issues, make sure g-sync is set to full-screen (If you have g-sync on), windowed is the setting that caused the issue for me.

Hi I am still having this issue on OSX. 1 second to display each character. Wed Oct 14th.

With or without team create enabled?

Also, do you have V-Sync (or G-Sync) enabled?


Yes, I have team create is enabled.

I can’t seem to find out what v-sync is. How would I check to see if it’s on or off?


I tried turning off team create, and the same issue is still happening. It is so slow almost impossible to code in right now.

As an experiment, please try pulling the Script Editor tab out of the main Studio window (you can do this by dragging on the tab where the script’s name appears above the editor). If the problem is what I suspect it is, this might help.


Yep, that solves it!

Do you think you might have a fix for that in regular mode? Because it’s quite hard to navigate all the scripts (I have about 50 at this point).


Please ignore this post, see my new post below.

We’re investigating a general fix. In the mean time, this workaround functioning strongly indicates that V-Sync is causing the problem. Disabling that function for Studio should allow you to use the editor normally (the method is, unfortunately, manufacturer specific - consult your GPU troubleshooting manual).


Ok, I’ve had a pretty deep look into how to disable Vsync on Mac OSX Catalina

  1. Apple calls it BeamSync (not Vsync)
  2. On older Macs you used to be able to disable BeamSync via a tool called QuartzDebug but versions that do that do not work on later mac OS
  3. The closest thing I could find was a post that showed how to disable it on on tiger OSX using this command: defaults read /Library/Preferences/ Compositor -dict deferredUpdates 0
  4. I did not run that command because it’s the kind of thing that could brick your display :wink:
  5. I was able to have a look into that file and there is no mention of BeamSync or deferredUpdates so I imagine it is not connected to that pref location any more. Here is a dump of
    DisplayAnyUserSets =     (
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                    kCGDisplayPixelsHigh = 1920;
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                    kCGDisplayPixelsHigh = 2240;
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                Width = 1792;
  1. At this point it’s looking a lot like it’s not possible to disable Vsync (BeamSync) on modern macs. If you try to search for “disable BeamSync osx 2020” or “disable BeamSync osx catalina” it’s essentially like google whacking.

  2. This is most likely something introduced by a new studio release because last week this was all working fine on the same machine on my end.


Ok, so the pop out idea is not going to work because studio auto snaps it back in to place. Here is a screen cast of me trying to work that way.

It might be worth asking your devs to watch this all the way through so they can get a sense of how different aspects of studio are broken on catalina mac osx.

Also note how when I click the “Play” button at the end it takes 30 seconds to even start the game.

I was hoping to launch my game next week but I don’t think I’ll be able to now as it is impossible to get any work done at this point!

Hope you guys can work it out :slight_smile:

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Hello I can confirm that pulling out a script from the main editor into its own window solves the problem. Still it is not ideal as I cannot do that constantly for every script and it will automatically snap back into the main editor if you center it in the middle of the screen. Hopefully a fix can come soon!

I tried disabling G sync, setting it to fullscreen too but no avail.

I just got a new pc yesterday. Specs:
i7 10700
RTX 2060 Super 8 GB
2 monitors (both 144Hz)
It still LAGS WAY TOO MUCH to be able to code. But popping out the script editor fixes the thing, but its very hard to navigate around that way. Close all windows (explorer, properties and whatever) and that will fix it without needing it to pop out, but then its very hard to make stuff with a lot of constraints.
Edit: The only 2 windows that cause this lag are the Toolbox and Asset Manager. Lag also affects camera terribly.

The fix for me is closing Toolbox and Asset Manager as well. Very odd but its better than having to pop out the script editor every single time.

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