Script Editor Freezing Studio in Team Create

After today’s studio update, when I go to edit a script in the script editor with any script that has more than like 3 lines, my studio lags out and stops responding. This has never happened to me before, and it took me an entire 8 seconds just to type in “hello there”. I have disabled every single plugin and studio beta, although the plugin debug beta I used to be opted into disappeared. I manually deleted the version of studio and reinstalled it, but it was still laggy.

Some people claim to experience this on Mac on multiple occasions, but I’m on Windows 10 with no update available. Nothing else about my studio is laggy either, just my editor. Everything else on my computer works fine, and so do external editors like VSC.



  1. Make a game and enable Team Create
  2. Make any type of script
  3. Type anything in for 3+ lines
  4. You will experience major lag/freezing

Specs: Intel Core i7-8750H @ 2.20 GHz, 16 GB, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070

Edit: This bug also causes a spike in your anti virus’s usage on your CPU, but after disabling my anti virus (BitDefender) temporarily, there is still freezing. My CPU is being stressed in no way during the freezes.

Edit 2 (10/2/2020): The update was pushed again and is now causing freezes after long periods of typing/lots of typing and the autocomplete box will stay on your screen for every application, then stop responding.
Dump Logs:


I seem to have the same problem. Although, the script editor only lags if I am in a team create place. Does this issue occur on all your places or specifically team create places?


As stated in the title and reproduction steps, this is only on Team Create. My local studio is perfectly functional. I don’t think it’s my internet either.



Hm. The only workaround for this problem I tried doing is to make a local copy of my team create place. I’ll try to look around for more information about this weird bug because I have also never encountered something like this before.

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Yeah, any sort of typing, backspacing and etcetera will lag studio.
In Task Manager, ‘Antimalware Service Executable’ uses a lot of the CPU.
I thought this was an issue of my end but thankfully it’s not just me experiencing the issue.

I receive this issue on Windows 10. (copy and pasted my message into here instead as it is platform feedback)


Here’s a visual of the bug, I wrote a lot more but studio seems to just not respond.


I can see that BitDefender on my computer jumps up to 8% for some odd reason, but my CPU isn’t stressed in any way from any of this.

Edit: Temporarily disabling the Anti Virus portion of BitDefender will stop it from jumping as much, although it spikes to 1% still. However, studio will still freeze even with it disabled.


I struggled with this earlier. I also noticed certain keywords are no longer being boldened or highlighted :confused:, mainly lua globals it would appear.

Only solution I came across was disabling team create entirely.


I’ve checked my firewall exclusions and whatnot and Roblox Studio is definitely allowed. TeamCreate must be the issue here then too in this case.


Not sure if this is related, but when in team create and you look at the output, it will say ‘Connecting to server…’ but it never does, along with localization tools warning message.


Yeah I think this is a firewall issue.


I don’t believe this is a firewall issue. I don’t have that error in my output and BitDefender is confirming that Roblox is allowed. I’m also not being alerted by Windows or BitDefender of any malicious activity being blocked.



Yeah I’m not being alerted either but once I start typing, my ‘antimalware service executable’, its CPU usage goes to around 24%.


I have tried disabling my anti virus, and this is merely just a side-effect of what Roblox Studio is doing that’s causing the issue.


I also have this issue since today. Enabling collaborative editing or disabling team create seems to fix the lag.


I honestly don’t prefer collaborative editing when it comes to team create. So I guess I’m in the unlucky minority who’ll have to wait for this to blow over.


If this doesn’t get fixed soon, I may have to intervene.


This happens to me as well. This really needs to be fixed soon because it makes it impossible to edit scripts in studio. My game is a group game with another dev so disabling team create is not an option for me


This is happening to me in games that don’t have Team Create enabled. It only happens during editing. Scrolling around seems normal.


I have also been experiencing this. Yesterday my studio was working perfectly fine, wrote 70 lines of code with no lag. I was trying to work on my project today, and then when I was trying to write some more code lines it took me 4 seconds to type a letter and it nearly crashed my studio when I tried typing 8 letters.

This only happens to me when editing specific games, unsure of why.