Script editor slows down to 30-40FPS when scrolling/typing

Recently, the script editor has been running at 30-40fps when typing or scrolling. Attached in a private message is a video of me scrolling thru several scripts and attempting to type out a function.

This has only begun being an issue recently, in the past week. I’m running on macOS 14.3.1, nobody I know using Windows has been having these performance issues.
The only beta features I have enabled are Updated Roblox Controls and Notched Screen Support.

A private message is associated with this bug report


Can you share more about your hardware? Intel or Apple silicon?


I’m running Apple Silicon - M2 Pro with 16GB ram.

Hi, what graphics setting do you have in Studio Settings->Rendering? If you change to OpenGL or Metal does the result differ?

Also, do you have plugins running? If so can you share which ones?

Does this seem place specific? Does this repro on an empty place with one large script as well?

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I do feel like this issue is not specific to the Script Editor, and rather the 3D Viewport as well.

It seems whenever you move the camera in a specific way, or try to move around with the default controls, Studio jitters the cameras movement, and it’s very challenging to work this way. It’s been frustrating me whenever it occurs, and I often try to minimize using Studio as much as possible whenever coding is necessary due to how much it sucks.

Using a plugin like Smooth Camera somehow resolves this issue to a decent degree, however the lag is still definitely present, just more bearable.

In addition to this, I also experience input delay or slowness in the Script Editor. That input lag only occurs whenever the Camera is having issues.

Switching rendering to Metal fixed it for a bit, but it seems to still occur regardless, so I presume something is wrong with the graphic related stuff in Roblox Studio.

Also experiencing the same issue since the last update. the only fix seems to be making the studio window extremely small or using an external display, this seems to be an issue with the PPI.

Happens regardless of graphics mode unfortunately.

Also happens regardless of what plugins I have enabled.

Same behavior occurs in an empty baseplate with the same script I showed in the private video.

Thank you. As another check, does docking configuration alter the values coming back? For instance, if the script editor is by itself (other widgets closed) or floating?

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Not the original poster, but running an M1 Macbook Pro Configuration and having the same issue, the issue persists when the script editor is by itself / floating.

It seems with the latest update the issue has been fixed.

This has indeed been resolved! Thanks to the studio team for quickly deploying a fix

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