Viewport FPS in Roblox Studio is unstable


I’m having issues with performance stuttering when using Roblox Studio. To not waste your time, I’ve done the following things to try and resolve this issue on my end:

  • Completely reinstalled Graphics Drivers (Latest NVIDIA Driver for GTX 1650)
  • Completely removed all traces of Roblox from my system (both Player and Roblox Studio using Revo Uninstaller)
  • Tried using Roblox Studio Mod Manager to force Roblox Studio to use other Render Engines (Metal, Vulkan, OpenGL)

Below is a short and sweet video showcasing the problem:

  • One of the Plugins (icon plugin) looks like it’s active, but it was disabled. For some reason the buttons did not disappear, but it was indeed toggled off

I haven’t seen any posts about this issue, and the only thing roughly close to it was this Bug Report by another forum user:

Script editor slows down to 30-40FPS when scrolling/typing

Some things to note

  • This issue seems to occur at random? Sometimes the FPS stutters badly, then randomly improves sometimes.
  • I have ALL plugins disabled, just running base Roblox Studio with Direct3D11 selected as the render
  • Switching off Betas never improved this issue.
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Bumping in hopes this actually gets noticed.

Bump again (and for the last time I suppose), even though this category is probably never read.