Script Link - Edit multiple scripts simultaneously

Hey again, I made a new plugin.

Introducing Script Link

What is it?

Script Link is a fairly simple plugin that allows you to link different scripts together with a Link Id. This then allows you to edit said scripts simultaneously.

Here is a demonstration:


Select one or more scripts and click “Create Script Link” in the plugin tab or assign a shortcut in File > Advanced > Customize Shortcuts. You can unlink scripts by deleting the attribute “LinkId” inside a script.

After creating a link between scripts, I highly recommend giving it a unique name in Properties > Attributes. While highly unlikely, it is possible for the plugin to generate the same Id twice for different sets of scripts.

Note: When using collaborative editing, the changes will only apply after committing changes to a script. Collaborative editing has also caused some issues with this plugin. Use at your own risk.

If you have any questions or just wanna give some feedback then please leave a comment on this post, I’ll be sure to read them. Same goes for reporting issues or bugs of course, which there might be a few. Anyway please let me know if you find this useful for your projects.

You can find my other plugins here:

Thank you!


This is cool - awesome stuff.

A few questions just to try to understand better what this does

  1. Does this overwrite the entire script or only at certain points?
  2. Why use this over modules?
  1. Yes, it overwrites the entire script.

  2. You can very well do everything this does with module scripts. That being said, I presonally find it really awkward to load certain systems through module scripts, I would rather use a script loader. But if you don’t want to make a loader you can use this to link all of them together. As an example: Say you had a gun system, and you had scripts inside those guns. The most likely scenario would be that the guns would use the exact same scripts to function. So, instead of installing the scripts inside the gun you can just have the same script in all of them and edit whichever one of them you want and have the changes apply to the other ones. So in the end I guess it really depends on what you’re making and your workflow.

Thank you for the comment. Let me know if I left anything unclear. : )


Well assuming you did want a script in every single one of your gun models, what is the benefit of doing this over cloning your script or copy and pasting. And also with your example, in general, wouldn’t it be better to have one script that is capable of handling all guns. Having a script inside every gun reminds me of times when people have a kill brick and put a script inside each one rather than handling it from a single location.

Aside from that your creation is cool, I just am not convinced there would be many usecases for this.


Valid points. There is no real clear benefit aside from not having to set up a loader, but that of course isn’t a whole lot of work. And indeed, having a single script running all guns would most definitely be ideal, but a bit harder to manage per se.

Truth to be told my main driver for this small project was experience itself, but since I did finish it and make it into usable plugin for some, I decided to release is because why not. I myself will most likely stick with traditional methods over this. And maybe in the future make a plugin to help with that workflow. Nonetheless, it’s nice if some people find a use for a small side project such as this.

Thank you

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How does it compare to packages?

Benefits of packages over this plugin (as it’s a Roblox-integrated feature):

  • Built-in version history
  • Permission control
  • Multiple-places support
  • Ability to either auto-update or update manually, as well as checking differences.
  • Collaboration: everyone in your team can use it, as no plugin is needed.
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I’m not very familiar with packages, and truth to be told I know very little about them. So I can’t give you a clear comparison. But again, as I stated in an earlier reply, this was more of a fun side project rather than a serious one. I made this for the sake of learning, so I wouldn’t be hurt if an official feature or a different plugin for that matter was better than what I have created. I like making plugins, and I don’t expect complete approval for all of them. That’s all.


sorry for the necro, but I see a lot of people picking aside the value of the plugin over various options which is absolutely valid given that they’re being constructive with their input but I thought I’d leave a purely positive remark, as this has perfectly solved a very particular issue I had after digging about for options and I thank you for publishing this, it works brilliantly.

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