ScrollingFrame.AutomaticCanvasSize not working with UIListLayout and/or AutomaticSized Children

Hey, we’re halfway through 2023 now, and I still have endless issues with AutomaticCanvasSize not correctly accounting for UIConstraints. We have to do strange manual fixes (which do not always work, seemingly device dependant), such as waiting when adding/removing content to the frame before getting content size, or manually calculating it without using any of the properties of the frame, as they seem to be inaccurate.

Not accounting for padding, and not updating the AbsoluteContentSize correctly, both seem to be issues still.


This bug also annoys me. As same when the childrens size was non-constant (changeable anytime), then it breaks. Always this annoying glitch.

1000 years later and It’s still not resolved. What yall doing in the offices?


Bumping this. Still an issue with UIListLayout and UIGridLayout,

Yea, I keep having the same bug. It’s very annoying because it almost always cuts things off or just leaves a huge empty space. Please fix this @Focia19, automatic canvas size would be a nice feature if it was functional…

I have an issue wjere the .AutomaticSize property doesn’t work sometimes, and sometimes it does. It’s really inconsistent but still happens. This only appears to happen in scrolling frames or UIListLayouts

Hi @HeyWhatsHisFace, I just checked and it looks like the original scrollbar bug you posted about has been fixed:

Just wondering if you could verify it’s been fixed on your end?

For others who have posted on the thread, would you be able to post repro files + expected behavior for us to take a look at? We have some guidelines for posting bug reports here.

Also, for people who have permissions, could you please create a separate bug report for your issue? It’s easier for us to track bugs with separate reports, thanks!

Two years and this bug still hasn’t been fixed. When using UI elements in this sort of scenario, I fully expect the ScrollingFrame to take the AbsoluteContentSize of the UIListLayout and apply that to its CanvasSize automatically. However, it seems I need to continue dedicating code to work around this bug.



Testing.rbxl (58.7 KB)

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Hi thank you for reporting and providing a repro place file!

I have reopened this ticket because the bug is still occurring in the place. It looks like the automatic canvas Y size doesn’t take into account the GuiObject.SizeConstraint=RelativeXX property that is set on the children.

Any updates on this? @CharlieGordonnn

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Hi, the issue in this original post has been verified fixed. If you are experiencing another issue related, it may not have the same root cause if it’s not fixed by this update. Please file another bug report following this guideline. Thank you!