
As a Roblox developer, it is currently impossible to set the position of horizontal scroll bar.

Why can’t we have this?

There’s VerticalScrollBarInset, VerticalScrollBarPosition, HorizontalScrollBarInset … but no HorizontalScrollBarPosition?


Why can’t you just set the X value of ScrollingFrame.CanvasPosition?


VerticalScrollBarPosition allows you to move the vertical scroll bar to the left side of the scrolling frame. The feature request here is for a property that similarly allows you to move the scroll bar to the top side.


What are you using it for? It seems weird to have a scrollbar on the top side.

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It’s for consistency with the API, and I was also planning to have a scrollbar on the top side, but there wasn’t an option. I wanted to see how it looked if scrollbar was to be located on the top.


5 years it’s been. Is the only reason for not adding this still just “it seems weird”?
We can achieve the effect if we rotate the ScrollingFrame 180°.
Oh… we also still don’t have ClipDescendants on rotated frames, even if they are rotated to 90°, 180° or 270°?
Guess it’s either this or that! Or hey, maybe both.


I’m going to bump this, but I need also the feature that scroll bar begins on right side instead of left.


Old request but I’d still like to see this implemented. I’m sure it isn’t going to be revolutionary but anything to make ScrollingFrames more useful is a win for me.

The scrollbar represents where and how much of the frame you can currently see. If you want the scrollbar to start on the right, set your CanvasPosition to the AbsoluteCanvasSize minus the AbsoluteWindowSize. Or just scroll it to the right.

This is my main reason for wanting this feature; We can’t even work around this limitation in the most straightforward way because of this. I know ClipDescendants on rotated frames have some serious complications that prevent it from being implemented so I think this feature request is the best way to get around this.

Obviously it isn’t a perfect indicator but I feel the 2.7k views on this topic might suggest that developers expect this feature to exist and end up at this feature request instead.

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reviving this because I need this too, it really doesn’t seem like something that would be hard or time consuming to add, so it’s strange that it’s not been added yet

Very annoying that they just seemed to have forgotten about the horizontal scroll bar when adding these properties.
I was building ui that was meant to go at the top of the screen, with the horizontal scroll bar positioned at the top as to not get in the way, but because it’s forced to be at the bottom I had to redesign my ui :cry:

you can get it at the top, but it’s by rotating the scrolling frame 180, and using it upside-down.
it’s a hacky method, and you have to make sure you rotate everything inside of the frame again so it appears the right way, and then you have to adjust which side it snaps to, because it’s now reversed.

it seems strange, annoying, and honestly ridiculous we don’t have a property for it, considering the fact we already have a property for the vertical scrollbar position