Society is biased. That’s the main reason so many people are out crying on it.
I hate to rant on the DevForum these days given that I don’t want to sound like one of those Development Discussion posts, but I need to say something here. This has been on my mind for the longest time and I haven’t decided to speak up publicly until now.
My reply to you might be posted on Twitter by some greenlegocats bootleg just to humiliate me for calling out greenlegocats on this, but at this point I don’t even care anymore.
DISCLAIMER: Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying Roblox is perfect, but amount of bad flack Roblox gets is much more than they deserve.
Now on to my reply.
Greenlegocat is one of the biggest nitpickers and complainers in the entire Roblox community. He nitpicks on all of Roblox’s changes and makes a big deal out of the smallest ones. He finds ways to call Roblox out on the changes they make.
Example Tweet 1:
This thread brings up the greatest points that counters greenlegocat’s tweet I linked above:
Example Tweet 2:
Some of greenlegocat’s videos are legit, but some others show a completely different story.
Some examples of his misleading-titled clickbait videos he has made in the past:
Video Title: ROBLOX BANNED R6 and R15!?
No greenlegocats, Roblox is not removing R6 or R15. Stop saying they are.
The Roblox Bloxy Awards are still around. All they did was change the name. Stop misleading people into thinking they’re completing gone so they’ll click on your video.
Video Title: Roblox is Removing R6?
Again, they aren’t removing R6. Stop making clickbait titles so people click on your video for views.
The disclaimer he made in the beginning of the video doesn’t matter since the view has already been added to video the moment the user clicked on it.
Video Title: Roblox REMOVED the UGC Catalog
Stop making the biggest deal about a simple change. UGC Accessories are still in the Category. There’s just not a separate category for it anymore. Not as big deal of deal as you’re making it.
YouTubers like Sharkblox are no different. Some of his Roblox News videos are clickbait or sometimes just outright have misinformation in it.
(Referring to his Roblox news videos that are similar to greenlegocat’s videos. His tutorials are legit.)
One huge example of one of Sharkblox’s clickbait videos filled with misinformation:
Video Title: Roblox wants us to delete our extensions?
The amount of misinformation in this video is beyond belief.
He states that a Roblox Staff member stated in the “Official Roblox Discord Server” that they want users to uninstall all Roblox extensions.
This is entirely false, given that the Roblox Discord Server he was referring to is Unofficial. Roblox does not have an Official Discord Server.
If you explore the server a bit, you can see that we try our best to let the users who join know that the server is unofficial.
Trust me. I would know. I’m one of the Moderators for server.
The first thing you see when you look at the rules channel is that the server is unofficial. Its also in the server’s faq channel.
And the announcement Sharkblox was referring to in his video is simple a recommendation from the Managers of the Server Staff. Nothing more.
Sharkblox can’t make the excuse saying something like “I didn’t know the server was unofficial!!1!1!”.
In the video above, he shows screenshots of the announcement. This means he is either in the server and saw the message himself or a fan showed him a screenshot in which he didn’t do research before checking to see if it was legit (which is a huge flaw on his part).
The Roblox Community makes the biggest deal out of the smallest things and Roblox gets more bad flack than they deserve.
I’m not saying Roblox is perfect, nor am I one of those Roblox bootlegs. I’m simply stating what’s on my mind.