Searching Audios gives me irrelevant results

Before I begin, I’d like to make note of a previous bug report, I’m experiencing the same issue they had now even though it was marked as ‘Fixed’ in April 2023. Previous Report

It doesn’t matter if I have ‘Show ID unverified creators’ on or off it will give me the same results.
Here I’ve searched for specific elements I need and the following results I got:

Another thing I’d like to state is that the Audio Category and Tags is completely ruined. Example below (This is in my bicycle bell search)

I believe this issue was fixed to some extent but was never fully ‘Fixed’ as I’m still experiencing this issue now.

System Information: Intel(R) Core™ i7-4600U CPU @ 2.10GHz

Enabled Betas:

  • Assistant Preview
  • EditableImage and EditableMesh
  • Face Capture
  • Live Animation Editor
  • Material Generator
  • Material Picker
  • Multilayer Wrap Fix
  • New Audio API (Was doing it before enabling this)
  • New Base Materials
  • New Studio Camera Controls
  • Notched Screen Support
  • Path 2D Instance
  • Terrain Editor
  • Texture Generator
  • UIListLayout Flex Features

Hi @MarkNoVanity, thanks for filing a bug report.

We have been looking into audio searches and will be doing some work in the coming months to improve them. Your feedback is helpful in letting us know what changes would help the most. In this case I think you had a search that exactly matched one of our autogenerated tags (‘Bicycle Bell’). This caused a lot of results tagged as ‘Bicycle Bell’ to appear. Some of these tags are unfortunately not the most accurate which is why your search returned sounds that were bell-like but not exactly bicycle bells.

The vast majority of publicly searchable audio is uploaded by id verified creators so you likely will not get different results by toggling it off.

Can you explain what you mean by ruined? Is the main issue here that the tags are not related to the sound?

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Exactly, having unrelated tags makes it difficult for me and potentially lots of others to find audios in their experiences.


I think tags should just either be not taken account of or just add a new filter for tags. I don’t understand how merging audio names and tags in the same filter could be a good idea.

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I would also like to point out that for some reason, doing multiple search queries with the same text (eg: wind) will sometimes give you SFX and other times random unrelated music.
image image

Furthermore, I find that the filters provided to us (ex: Genres, Duration) either do not work properly or are not enough in most cases to find the target audio. As an example, there’s no real filter to separate SFX from music, there’s a lack of filters in general (horror etc) and the duration filters don’t work half of the time.

Lastly, I find the sound cards (where the name, creator and tags are displayed) to be way too clutered which causes more important parts to be cut off by less important ones. It works fine if the toolbox is extended but for it to work well it has to be extended well outside my comfort zone.


I wonder if the coming months they spoke about means sometime this year. Still having this issue in both studio and browser; basically impossible to find relevant audios anymore (on the bright side, it’s forcing me to learn how to edit/create sounds to import).


The bug is still here. Please fix it.

Thanks so much for your patience with this report. I’ve consolidated the earlier report here since it was addressed, but I see related issues are still coming up. I want to share what we’re working on to improve audio search and offer some tips to help you make the most of the current system in the meantime.

Key Issues (Let me know if I’ve missed any!):

1. Search results don’t match the sound I had in mind

We introduced “semantic audio search” last year, which considers the actual sound of each result instead of just relying on keywords. This has helped users find what they’re looking for about 8% more often. However, it can sometimes result in titles that seem unrelated—if you listen to the audio, though, you’ll notice they match. For example, searching for “bell” will return a variety of bell-like sounds: a “ding bell,” a “gong bell,” or an “alarm bell.”

Tip #1: Describe the sound in more detail.
The more specific your search query, the better the results! Examples:

2. I’m looking for a specific title, but it doesn’t show up in the results

We’re working on a way to let you specify when you want exact title matches, similar to your great suggestions above. This actually requires some big updates to how audio files are indexed, but we hope to start testing this in January.

Tip #2: Try using Creator or Artist filters.
If you’re looking for a specific track, narrowing down by Creator or Artist can help. Examples:

3. Tags don’t seem accurate

Tags in the Creator Store are based on an older system, and we know it makes mistakes more often than we’d like. We’re in the process of phasing out this model and exploring better tagging models, however we can’t provide an exact time that will be ready until we are confident that we can produce better results.

Tip #3: Tags work better for longer music tracks.
For now, tags tend to be more reliable for music than sound effects. SFX results may still be mixed until a new system is in place.

Thank you so much for your feedback—it’s incredibly helpful. Please feel free to share any more thoughts here or file a new report. I’ll keep this post open until we’ve implemented the changes and confirmed they’re working as expected.