Searching for classic coregui scripts/guis

I’m on the search for classic coregui scripts or GUIs that will be of use in a game I’m creating. If anyone has any elements like;

2011-2012 Playerlist UI [Found but being fixed]
2013-2014 Toolbar/Backpack GUI (Apparently its really hard to find) < Only thing left

2006 - 2014 Classic zoom script [Found]

Or any core elements from the 2011 - 2014 era.
Any help will be appreciated.


I can give you a Gui of the old chat, with the old chat bubbles (gray outline). Do you have discord?


Yes, and also, could you send me a gif/mp4 of the gui, since I’m not thinking about using a fake chat which doesn’t actually send to the server or just isn’t an actual official gui/script from Roblox.


I think it’s a recreation of it. I didn’t create it but it’s a free model on sale. And yes, it does work on server side, and even filters messages. Here are some GIFs:

These were taken from a place on my profile, with extra old stuff there too. If you want to go there yourself here’s a link:

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It seems robloxandtyler’s model has made a special guest appearance, believe me when I say I’ve used just about every model I could find in search of those 3 main things in my post, and I have definitely seen that model while searching for them. Sorry, but I think I’m good with this one.


Because nobody ever scripted that backpack.

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I’ve seen someone say that they found a number of corescripts including the script following the 2013 toolbar, although I cannot find the exact link they were talking about. It was in the RobloxLabs Github.

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RobloxLabs Github? Never heard.

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It should be a website. I’m searching for it right now.

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I’m pretty sure its GitHub - JCRPaquin/ and on top of that, the github was made in 2013, so I would have assumed it was there, yet I couldn’t find it myself.

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The IO website has been taken down or it’s deleted.

Sorry but i guess it’s not gonna work

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That may not even be the correct link, since the github I searched did not include anything called toolbar/backpack

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That guy posted the post like august 10.

Before that date the IO was still up.

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And also other things like the 2011 Playerlist GUI. I’ve seen it inside a game, yet theres no working version since Roblox’ new playerlist broke every custom playerlist from before 2015 (2009, 2011, December 2012, 2014)

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It’s not because of the new Player List, it’s because of LoadLibrary is going to be removed on February 3rd (affects custom 2011 - 2015 style player lists)

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I’ve seen loadlibrary inside the 2011 Playerlist ‘Init’ script, I see that inside the post, there is a section with “replacing loadlibrary”. I’ll check this part out and see if I can mess around inside the init and try to refix the 2011 Playerlist Gui. Thanks guest.

You mean this game?: RETROBLOX - Roblox

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It’s the only one (maybe) that has 2010-2015 CoreGUI

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Yes, and also that game is the reason I stopped developing the game I’m using the classic elements for, for around 5 months. I’m back onto the project and realized a lot of things I used in the old project are of insane use. Thats the reason I asked this post.