Seating players on moving body

I’m running into a problem with a monorail I made. Whenever a character sits down or stands up, it disrupts the bodymovers that move the monorail, causing it to lurch forward or accelerate to extreme speeds, and the monorail moves faster when no character is seated also.
YouTube link because I couldn't get embedded mp4 to work for some reason.
My monorail is entirely massless, when a character sits down, all baseparts within that character are being set to massless too, I'm sure that this works.

Any help appreciated!

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I have no idea what the problem is, but one thing I can think of is using TweenService instead of bodymovers, since that wont have this problem.

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I can’t really use TweenService, TweenService comes with it’s own problems, my monorail has many parts which would have to be individually tweened through the entire track with turns, etc. while keeping precise offset for every part of the monorail model.

What happens if you make a collision group between the player and the monorail that makes players not collide with it? (I know this isnt really what you want, but does it still do this if you do that?)

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I’m thinking the problem lies more in the welding to the monorail (via the seat), so I doubt collision groups would do much, I’ll still try this though.
When the character gets seated (welded) to the moving monorail, there must be a sudden change in mass, even though that can’t be, because for my test every basepart in the workspace is set to massless every frame.


I am not really sure what the problem is, however aren’t BodyMovers deprecated? It might be a bug related to this.


Collision groups did not work.

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