Selection Improvements

He’s showing that the mouse position highlights the selection when the mouse hits where the bounding box would be.

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Oh okay, I don’t notice that :sweat_smile:

Selecting objects from far distances is a little bit more tedious now, as you have to zoom in closer to select them, it would be nice if we had the ability to customize how far we can select objects from.

I didn’t notice the not selecting far away items yet, but I haven’t used my point the mouse at my destination in a large map, Alt Click a random Part there, and press F to instantly zoom the camera to that location trick lately.

If it’s behaving that way then I’d manually have to search out and select a Part or Model in the Workspace window then press F…

I love it :heart_eyes:, thank you for that. :+1:

Now this update got forced on me a bit.
When playing/testing a game in studio it then stopping it, my selected move tool reverts back to the select tool. I find this super annoying when testing and building… Its super annoying to have to select the move/resize tool again every time I test in studio.

I rarely ever use selection tool, kind of find it useless in my opinion, dont know about the use cases for it when move and resize do the same thing.


PLEASE make this totally an optional feature and allow us to utilize the old method. I really hate the new method.


I’d like to point out that the locking tool completely glitches the outlines

I agree. I like this type of selection outline in Blender, but in Roblox, I prefer only seeing the bounding box. It’s hard to tell what’s being selected when multiple instances are selected, but I prefer only having that one basic box around the instance(s) that I’m about to edit.

I don’t know why they capped the “selection line thickness” in Studio Settings to 1. I think if they let us set this setting to 0, it would hide the new outlines, and everyone could be happy. I appreciate that they let us still use the classic box, but this shows that Studio still can use it, and therefore could easily just use the box by itself.
Even if I edit the settings XML to set the line thickness to 0, it still resets back to 1 (if set to 0) and the weird default values 2 and 4 (if set to 0.01). Again, letting developers disable the new outlines, set their thickness to 0 or a very low number, and/or letting us adjust how visible outlines are through geometry…

I have a feeling Roblox’s going to force us to adapt to this change instead of giving us choices, though. That’s what they tend to do…

For example, I would prefer to hide the outlines when an object goes behind another completely. Here, I used a high-poly sphere mesh to add some fake “fallen leaves” to a small part of my test map. In order to do this, I had to poke a small part of the giant sphere through the baseplate. When I highlight the sphere, I can see the whole thing, which doesn’t look or feel right.

The only way to disable the new outlines is to set the “OutlineSelection1” FFlag to false. No developer should need to do something like that just to return to the classic “bounding box only” selection visualization!


Looking forward to more easily make small models. The old box got annoying. :raised_hands: :raised_hands:

He means the mouse isn’t on the model but it still highlights, meaning it uses a box to detect the position of the mouse still

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Just wanted to make a post calling out that we’ve decided to lower the opacity of occluded sections of outlines. To give more transparency on our decision to still show these sections, we wanted to provide more information of the object selected whether or not it was blocked by another, especially in the case of cycling through objects under mouse when using the cycling feature. However, we realize that this may cause you to lose depth information thus our decision to lower the opacity. Please let us know if you have any further feedback and we will consider this as the beta is still ongoing. Thanks!


Had this pushed through a short while ago and the geometric outline just does not work for me. There’s too much going on when selecting unions and models which makes it look like they’re individual parts. Furthermore, the only way I can find to get back the original bounding box is by clicking on the “Bounding Boxes” button - which does not have the desired effect of removing the geometric box - instead producing what can only be described as a mess.

As shown here, both the bounding box and the geometric box is showing, which doesn’t stand by the statement “reducing visual clutter.” Ideally this needs to be an option in settings somewhere because I’m sure there are many creators out there who also aren’t too happy about the classic bounding box’s complex replacement. Hopefully this can be rectified soon as I’m not sure how long my sanity is going to last with this lol.

Thanks - Diesel


This sounds like a nice change. I believe it would work out the best for all developers if settings were added to adjust the transparency of occluded and regular outlines. That way, each developer can fine-tune how much they can see the outlines, and completely hide them if they prefer the old bounding box instead (like I do). More options and settings never hurt, after all.

(In fact, I think it would also be nice if the bounding box and outline could be set to use different colors. As of now, if both are in use, they bleed together.)

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This update feels broken somehow. Alt-click used to select the object I was pointing on, but now it does nothing.

This is… well… an eyesore. I really did enjoy the older bounding boxes as they helped me align stuff by eye when I was working with fine snap to grid increments (which I always do). Toggling the bounding boxes back on just overlays the (EXTREMELY thin) bounding box on the already existing geometric outline. There are definitely a lot of people that would like this update, however it should remain an option for the people who still find the old bounding boxes useful.


This is a cool and helpful feature. Like the improvements.

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These changes are clunky and largely unnecessary. While some of the new functionality is useful and interesting, the fact that it is packaged with unappealing things like the new selection system is highly frustrating. The only way to opt out of this is to disable the Beta entirely, which I fear will eventually be removed.

I really hope the customization options for the outlines are updated in the future to allow fully reverting the graphical changes, there are a number of workflow and visual appeal issues and it seems many people agree that is the case.


Please, let us be able to use the original bounding boxes without having the new outlines. I cannot think of any useful application for the outlines that bounding boxes don’t already cover. Plus, they’re not reliant on the individual shape and give accurate information on the size of the part which is useful for things like special meshes. The bounding boxes are infinitely more useful when it comes to aligning parts and I would really prefer if the original bounding box feature was preserved without the outlines. Otherwise it becomes an eyesore and makes moving and lining up things harder.


Hopefully you’ll add a toggle to disable the highlight outline at some point, it is very distracting for my workflow